St Augustine

Meditation on seeing and blindness: themes from Mark. To what are you called to bear witness? When and how have you been blind in your life, and what or who opened your eyes?

I think we all suffer from acute blindness at times. Life is a constant journey of trying to open your eyes. I’m just beginning my journey, and my eyes aren’t fully open yet. — Olivia Thirlby Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind … — William Shakespeare Helping, fixing, and serving represent three different […]

Meditations on Singing a New Song

Nature is the one song of praise that never stops singing. — Richard Rohr A bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song. — Joan Walsh Anglund Bless the poets, the workers for justice, the dancers of ceremony, the singers of heartache, the visionaries, all makers and carriers of […]

Love on the move. Themes from Gospel of John

Bending down to wash and anoint someone’s feet. What story do our feet tell about us? How we live? How do we love? How do we touch the earth? Indeed, what amazing gifts might must be ours if we could kneel and honor the humanity in another? I imagine we might just start to see […]

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