Reflections on faith & fear: walking on water in Gospels of Matthew and Mark
There comes a point where we need to stop just pulling people out of the river. We need to go upstream and find out why they’re falling in. ― Desmond Tutu
- Fear Is a Liar by Zach Williams (Christian):
- The Breakup Song by Franccesca Battistelli (pop):
- Scared to Live by The Weeknd (pop):
- Scared by Jeremy Zucker (pop):
- Fear Country by T. Bone Burnett (country):
- Fear & Loathing by Marina and the Diamonds (pop):
- I Will Fear No More by The Afters (Christian):
- Fear by Sade (blues/pop):
- Fear of Being Alone by Reba McEntire (country):
- Scared of Beaytiful by Brandy (pop):
- F.E,A.R. by Kendrick Lamar (rChristian ap – explicit lyrics):
- The Fear by Ben Howard (folk/country):
- Fear by X Ambassadors ft. Imagine Dragons (rock/pop):
- Afraid by Tenth Aventue North (Christian):
- Afraid by Aaron Lewis (country):
- Fear Not by Chris Tomlin (Christian):
- Fear by Lilly Allen (po)p:
- Guts Over Fear by Eminem (rap – explicit language):
- Doubt by 21 Pilots (pop/rap):
- My Worst Fear by Rascal Faltts (country):
- Fearless by Jasmine Murray (Christian pop):
- The Fear by The Shins (folk rock):
- Untethered Angel by Dream Theater (rock):
- In Fear and Faith by Circa Survive (rock):
- There Goes the Fear by Doves (pop):
- Fear the Future by St Vincent (rock):
- Fear of Dying by Poppy (pop):
- Fear of Sleep by The Strokes (rock -mexplicit content):
- Panic Room by Au/Ra (pop? indie?):
- Fear of the Dark by Iron Maiden (heavy metal):
Christ Has No Body — Teresa of Avila (1515–1582)
Christ has no body but yours,
No hands, no feet on earth but yours,
Yours are the eyes with which he looks
Compassion on this world,
Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good,
Yours are the hands, with which he blesses all the world.
Yours are the hands, yours are the feet,
Yours are the eyes, you are his body.
Christ has no body now but yours,
No hands, no feet on earth but yours,
Yours are the eyes with which he looks
compassion on this world.
Christ has no body now on earth but yours.
Mindful Walking
Suppose two astronauts go to the moon. When they arrive, they havean accident and find out that they have only enough oxygen for two days. There is no hope of someone coming from Earth in time to rescue them. They have only two days to live. If you asked them at that moment, “What is your deepest wish?” they would answer, “To be back home walking on the beautiful planet Earth.” That would be enough for them; they would not want anything else. They would not want to be the head of a large corporation, a big celebrity or president of the United States. They would not want anything except to be back on Earth – to be walking on Earth, enjoying every step, listening to the sounds of nature and holding the hand of their beloved while contemplating the moon.
We should live every day like people who have just been rescued from the moon. We are on Earth now, and we need to enjoy walking on this precious beautiful planet. The Zen master Lin Chi said, “The miracle is not to walk on water but to walk on the Earth.” I cherish that teaching. I enjoy just walking, even in busy places like airports and railway stations. In walking like that, with each step caressing our Mother Earth, we can inspire other people to do the same. We can enjoy every minute of our lives. ― Thich Nhat Hanh
There comes a point where we need to stop just pulling people out of the river. We need to go upstream and find out why they’re falling in. ― Desmond Tutu
It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, Because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; Who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly … — Theodore Roosevelt
The game wardens have been walking in the rain all day, walking through the woods in the freezing rain trying to find your sister. They would have walked all day tomorrow, walked in the cold rain the rest of the week, searching for Betsy, so they could bring her home to you. And if there is one thing I am sure of—one thing I am very, very sure of, Dan—it is that God is not less kind, less committed, or less merciful than a Maine game warden. — Kate Braestrup
One person of integrity can make a difference. ― Elie Wiesel
Love is the only way to rescue humanity from all ills. — Leo Tolstoy
It runs through all our folklore, all human religions, all our literature–a racial conviction that when one human needs rescue, others should not count the price. ― Robert A. Heinlei
God uses rescued people to rescue people. — Christine Caine
Rescue the drowning and tie your shoestrings. — Henry David Thoreau
The greatest threat that I need to be rescued from is myself. Everything comes a lot easier after that. ― Craig D. LounsbroughPeople rescue each other. They build shelters and community kitchens and ways to deal with lost children and eventually rebuild one way or another. — Rebecca Solnit
God is no White Knight who charges into the world to pluck us like distressed damsels from the jaws of dragons, or diseases. God chooses to become present to and through us. It is up to us to rescue one another. — Nancy Mairs
Even grief recedes with time and grace. But our resolve must not pass. Each of us will remember what happened that day, and to whom it happened. We’ll remember the moment the news came — where we were and what we were doing. Some will remember an image of a fire, or a story of rescue. Some will carry memories of a face and a voice gone forever. — George W. Bush
Let me assert my belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself – nameless, unreasoning, unjustifed terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. — Franklin Roosevelt
The only thing to fear is unproductive fear — Amy C Edmondson, Novartis professor of leadership at Harvard Business School, full article:
Fear can paralyse – or, targeted on valid concerns, can stimulate effective action and innovation
Fear itself
Let’s start with the basics. What is fear? And why does it play such a central role in human existence? Psychologists, such as Nico Frijda and Batja Mesquita, dene fear as an emotion that manifests as an urge to separate oneself from aversive events – that is, from unpleasant stimuli or situations. Fear is thus a spontaneous response to a perceived threat. We don’t consciously decide to become afraid, but once in its grip, our thoughts and behaviour are powerfully shaped by it.
Although people can experience what is called a ‘generalized anxiety’ without a specic trigger, fear, in contrast, is an emotion in reaction to a target. That target activates an ‘action tendency’: to withdraw or distance oneself from the threat. In short, fear activates self-protection, a spontaneous – and at times healthy – human response to threat.
Problematic fear versus productive fear
The distinction between productive and problematic fear is conceptually straightforward but practically challenging. As summarized in the table, the distinction honours Roosevelt’s admonition that fear, unchallenged, gets in the way of progress. In brief: productive fear pertains to real threats, physical or economic, and provokes action that leads to useful responses. For example, fear of contracting a potentially deadly disease like Covid-19 can trigger responses of social distancing and mask wearing. Fear of a recession can trigger redoubling of efforts to help customers solve their challenges. Fear of an objectively threatening or dangerous situation is rational, because it triggers problem-solving action. Whether a threat takes the form of impending layoffs, a carsuddenly veering off the road, or the presence of a contagious disease, human beings can use the fear response to motivate productive action.
In contrast, problematic fear is the kind of fear that, if challenged – meaning we step back, pause to react, and ask ourselves good questions – shows itself to be unfounded. It may make things worse: reluctance to ask a question of colleagues for fear of looking stupid can leave an employee performing a task badly, or worse, being injured on the job. The essential distinction is that interpersonal fear – the fear of looking bad in front of colleagues or managers – is almost always irrational.
All fear is spontaneous; most fear goes unchallenged. This is a shame because, when challenged, the fear state is usually ameliorated. By pausing and thinking it through, we realize we have options.
We can poke holes in our original fear response, coming to see that the fear isn’t necessary and isn’t helping.
How to free yourself and your teams from fear in times of crisis. — George Kohlrieser, full article:
- Lead yourself before you lead others
- If you are in a negative state, one in which you are filled with discouragement and fear, you are not going to be able to lead others. So stop and take control of yourself.
- Don’t be a psychological hostage.
- Being a psychological hostage means you let your emotions be controlled by the event or thing that’s happening around you. Whether your company has to go under vast layoffs, it is being disrupted by competitors, or you are simply in a situation at work where you are competing for scarce resources with other teams, it can cause negative feelings.
- It is easy in difficult situations to feel powerless and fearful, but you need to be able to deal with your fears. If you don’t, you essentially become a hostage to yourself, which is something you don’t want. You want to feel free even when you are not free. As a psychological hostage, you feel powerless, but you are not. You can control yourself.
- Even in the worst of times you need to be able to breathe, to act, to intersect with the situation and the consequences.
- This starts in the mind’s eye.
- Looking with your mind’s eye means being able to look at perception, or what you call reality, and see beyond what is obviously there. Emotions guide the mind’s eye to a large extent. So if you are feeling grief and fear or sadness or anger you need to take a deep breath and find a way to come back to a state of authentic joy.
- Manage emotions and shift your view to the positive.
- You do this mainly by focusing on the present. If you focus on bad things that are happening and the negative talk and fears that surround your situation it is easy to get discouraged or filled with fear. You don’t want to be in denial, we need to acknowledge that there are threats and there is a crisis, but you have to manage the perceptions and focus on the reality of what is really happening.
- To manage your mindset and your emotions and come back to the idea of playing to win and be able to see opportunities, you need to see beyond what your eye can see. This is the mind’s eye. There are always opportunities out there. Good things will happen to you again. You need to find meaning and purpose in what is happening. Start by focusing on what you can learn. Even in the worst catastrophic situations there is something you can learn. Focusing on that will help you start to see more possibilities.
- Managing yourself is a leadership process. As you come out of a crisis, give yourself credit for having weathered the storm, it makes you a stronger person and one better able to model emotional resilience for your team.
— Katherine Kenyon HendersonTo ease the rough patches between what used to be
and what might be next, try this:
place your body in a large body of water.
Notice how your burdens lighten as you float and sink.
Stay in long enough to rinse off the cloying scent
of your resistance to change.
(The principle of grief dispersion also applies;
it will work even if you don’t understand)
Start with a pool, bathing suit optional.
Test the waters and observe your relationship to time.
If you still feel stuck, disoriented, or split with worry,
proceed to the next phase.
Find a lake, maybe at night.
Practice offering your tormented thoughts to the fish
who will suck them in through their gills
and spit back out bubbles of clear acceptance.
Afterward, if you are still reeling, unmoored,
find a body of water that moves: a river, or the ocean.
Notice how the water flows away, but you are still here.
Praise your watery toes and your steady hip bones.
Feel the currents move around and through you,
rinsing away what no longer serves,
making room for what is yet to come.
Alone — Maya Angelou
Lying, thinking
Last night
How to find my soul a home
Where water is not thirsty
And bread loaf is not stone
I came up with one thing
And I don’t believe I’m wrong
That nobody,
But nobody
Can make it out here alone.
Alone, all alone
Nobody, but nobody
Can make it out here alone.
There are some millionaires
With money they can’t use
Their wives run round like banshees
Their children sing the blues
They’ve got expensive doctors
To cure their hearts of stone.
But nobody
No, nobody
Can make it out here alone.
Alone, all alone
Nobody, but nobody
Can make it out here alone.
Now if you listen closely
I’ll tell you what I know
Storm clouds are gathering
The wind is gonna blow
The race of man is suffering
And I can hear the moan,
‘Cause nobody,
But nobody
Can make it out here alone.
Alone, all alone
Nobody, but nobody
Can make it out here alone.
On WaterIn one drop of water are found all the secrets of all the oceans; in one aspect of You are found all the aspects of existence. ― Kahlil Gibran
As it happens my own reverence for water has always taken the form of this constant meditation upon where the water is, of an obsessive interest not in the politics of water but in the waterworks themselves, in the movement of water through aqueducts and siphons and pumps and forebays and afterbays and weirs and drains, in plumbing on the grand scale. — Joan Didion
The water you kids were playing in, he said, had probably been to Africa and the North Pole. Genghis Khan or Saint Peter or even Jesus may have drunk it. Cleopatra might have bathed in it. Crazy Horse might have watered his pony with it. Sometimes water was liquid. Sometimes it was rock hard- ice. Sometimes it was soft- snow. Sometimes it was visible but weightless- clouds. And sometimes it was completely invisible- vapor- floating up into the the sky like the soals of dead people. There was nothing like water in the world, Jim said. It made the desert bloom but also turned rich bottomland into swamp. Without it we’d die, but it could also kill us, and that was why we loved it, even craved it, but also feared it. Never take water forgranted, Jim said. Always cherish it. Always beware of it. ― Jeannette Walls, Half Broke Horses
Water does not resist. Water flows. When you plunge your hand into it, all you feel is a caress. Water is not a solid wall, it will not stop you. But water always goes where it wants to go, and nothing in the end can stand against it. Water is patient. Dripping water wears away a stone. Remember that, my child. Remember you are half water. If you can’t go through an obstacle, go around it. Water does. ― Margaret Atwood
The ocean makes me feel really small and it makes me put my whole life into perspective… it humbles you and makes you feel almost like you’ve been baptized. I feel born again when I get out of the ocean. ― Beyoncé
Let the waters settle and you will see the moon and the stars mirrored in your own being. — Rumi
Commentary on Walking on Water
This is a story about us in liminal space. Richard Rohr describes liminal space as: a unique spiritual position where human beings hate to be, but where God is always leading us. It is when we have left the “tried and true” but have not yet been able to replace it with anything else. It is when we are finally out of the way. In liminal space, we do not yet know where to look. Should we strain our eyes to get a clearer view of what we can only trust is before us? Dare we risk looking away from what is around us that we can easily see and understand? It is hard not to doubt and be afraid when we are in-between. Liminal space is often associated with rituals of passage. Sacred moments of transition require big steps toward a new way that is not yet clear and not without risk. We enter liminal space when we take a step without knowing quite what the next step will be. Some of us dare to step out in faith, take big risks, change the course of our lives. Others are thrust into liminal space by forces beyond their control, such as a diagnosis, an injury, a storm, a death. Some are wondering what they have done. All they know is that the boat is drifting away behind them, the waves are all around them, and Jesus still seems far away. We are in liminal space when we are not sure we believe everything we have been told. When we have many questions we are afraid to ask. When we want to renew our grounding in faith, but we are overwhelmed with options. When we know we need something but not yet sure what that something will be. In the in-between, do we have any faith at all? Liminal space is scary, but full of potential. It deepens our love enabling us to love outside the lines. It reveals a whole another world outside the box. It gives us visions of other dimensions. Jesus welcomes Peter when he dares to step out of the boat. Jesus saves Peter when he loses focus on what is ahead of him and gets lost in what he knows is around him. When you are in liminal space, muster up your faith and take a bold step into the unknown. The worst that can happen is Jesus will save you; however, you may do the spectacular like walking on water. — James York
See if you recognize yourself in this story: Because maybe some of us are like the ones in the boat who are afraid. Maybe you are so caught up in the fear of making the wrong decision that you can’t make any decision at all. Or maybe you are like the one experiencing the thrill of stepping into the unknown – a new relationship or a new job or you’ve just moved to Denver leaving behind the familiar – and maybe the first few steps are ok but then it gets scary. Or maybe you or the person next to you is the one who is sinking in debt or depression or maybe you feel like you’re sinking because what you could handle last month you just can’t handle now. Or maybe you’re the one who knows you’re doomed, knows that all your own efforts have failed and you are crying out to God to save you and you’re the ones who Jesus has reached down to catch and you’re clinging on to the sweet hand of Jesus with all you’ve got. or maybe you’re the one in the boat looking in wonder all you’ve just seen… you’re the one who bears witness to the miracle and danger of it all and how the hand of God reaches down and pulls us up and you see it and can’t help but say “truly this is God.” At some point or other I know I have been all of the above … But all these characters in the walking on water story – the cautious ones in the boat, the brave one who walked for a time on water, the same one who is afraid and sinks and calls for help, and the ones who saw it all and confessed that Jesus is the son of God they are all actually equal in their relationship to God because…all of these and you have one thing in common: they are those whom Jesus draws near saying “it is I, do not be afraid”. — Nadia Bolz-Weber
Maybe it wasn’t a boat. Maybe this story invites you to recall another life or death situation. You might not want to recall it. You don’t have to do so. You know you could go there. You could go to a time when you were lost in a boat in a storm in the dark, either literally or figuratively. The external situation can vary, but the internal feelings are real … You know that. Everyone knows the feeling of being battered by the winds in the dark. The circumstances differ but we all experience our unique storms. While the external events are unique, the internal feelings we share in common as human beings. Actually, it is the dark that binds us. Perhaps that is why there is a holiness about it. The holiness of shared experience. The dark contains a sacredness that invites us to learn to walk in it. — John Shuck
Events at JCC and around town: WED, Mar 6 – SUN, Mar 1
- YOGA with Anjali Rose
9am • JCC Parish Hall- Anjali Rose will be teaching yoga remotely for 6 qeeks and rhe class will meet in JCC parish hall
1pm • Old Red Library- CHILD LOSS GRIEF GROUP:. Specifically for households who have experienced the death a child of any age. Currently we’re using the 1pm, Wednesday time slot. We are considering an evening time slot in addition to the afternoon meeting times, and will update you about availability of the facility. Next meeting: April 3 @ 1pm
- SPOUSE/PARTNER abd ADULT RELATIONSHIP LOSS GRIEF GROUP also meets once per month. Specifically for households who have experienced the death of a spouse, partner, adult sibling or parent or other adult relationship. Next meeting: April 10 @ 1pm
- Both groups are free, and open to the community. Rev. Gail Doktor, trained as a hospice chaplain, will facilitate. Pass along this info to anyone whom you know, who might need such a support network.
- Questions should be directed by text or voicemail to Rev Gail’s cell: 9078.273.0308. Thank you! — Rev Gail Doktor,, cell: 978.273.0308
- SACO RIVER VALLEY GRASP – Grief Recovery After Substance Passing
(Death, suicide or overdose-involved death that involves or was associated with substance use). Saco River Valley GRASP Chapter: Contact Person: Kelly Forrest, Email Address:, Primary Phone Number: (603) 726-1025. - VNA/HOSPICE VIRTUAL BEREAVEMENT GROUP is ongoing in the valley via zoom. It is facilitated by Sue Davidson, retired nurse and retired pastor of Center Conway’s United Methodist Church and currently the VNA’a hospice chaplain. This ‘living with loss’ group is free, but you need to obtain info through the VNA.
- WHEN: Wednesdays, 5:30pm to 6:30pm
- WHERE: Groups meet via Zoom. To get your Zoom log in information or to confirm group dates and times, please contact VNHCH’s hospice chaplain Sue Davidson: No registration necessary; free and open to the public.
- SACO RIVER VALLEY GRASP – Grief Recovery After Substance Passing
4pm • Ski / 5:45pm • Soup / 6:45pm • Vespers- Ski on slushy icy trails open to any participants who want to tackle the uncertain terrain of the 1k ski loop at Jackson XC; meet at JCC parking lot at 4pm
- Soup supper by Sue Carrigan and helpers
- Vespers service led by Nativity Lutheran team
- WAY of the CROSS
Ongoing • JCC Sanctuary- Icons and stations of cross available for personal spiritual contemplation and journeys
- Community MUSIC & EVENTS around town:
- Wildcat Tavern: Trivia• 7-9pm • $5 cover
- Red Parka Pub: Jonathan Sarty • 5-7:30pm
THURS, Mar 7
- Jackson XC Skiing – info:
- Great Glen – info:
- Bear Notch Ski Touring:
- Black Mountain: info –
- Attitash: info –
- Wildcat: info –
- Cranmore Mountain: info –
- Community Resource: LIBRARIES
- 10am-7pm • Jackson Library (more info:
- 11am • Storytime!
- 2-5pm• Bartlett Public Library (more info:
- 10am-7pm • Jackson Library (more info:
- Community Event: SMALL MAMMAL POPULATIONS in WHITE MOUNTAINS (Tin Mtn program)
7pm •Tin Mountain Nature Learning Ctr- Small mammal (rodent and shrew) populations throughout the White Mountains undergo significant changes in abundance from year to year. However, the factors that influence these population changes are not well understood. Josh Willems, PhD candidate at UNH, has been focusing his research on teasing out the effects of beech mast, forest structure, and climate on small mammal populations utilizing a 30-year dataset from the Bartlett Experimental Forest. Join us to learn more about his findings and what this tells us about the area’s small mammal population.
- $5/person or $10/household for non-members; members are free.
5pm • JCC- Refugia team meets Peter Ilgenfritz to tour facility and conduct meeting about on going project
- FELTING EASTER EGGS with Kathy Seymour
6pm • JCC Parish Hall- Group of 15-16 crafters will learn to felt easter eggs with guidance
- This program is fully booked and reserved.
- WAY of the CROSS
Ongoing • JCC Sanctuary- Icons and stations of cross available for personal spiritual contemplation and journeys
- Community Event: MAJESTIC CAFE THURSDAY:: Kevin Dolan & Simon Crawford
6:30 pm Performance • Majestic Theater Cafe, Conway- More info and tickets:
- Shannon Door: Jeremy Dean • 6-9pm
- Shovel handle Pub: Rek’lis Duo• 5:30-8:30pm
- Community Event: ZUMBA with Dottie
8:15am • Whitney Community Center, Jackson- $5/pp
- FITNESS CLASS with Laurie McAleer
9:30am • Jackson Community Church- Free to all participants.
- Gentle, chair-based stretch and fitness for all levels of ability
- Community Event: LINE DANCING with Dottie
9:15ma • Whitney Cmmunity Center, Jackson- $5/pp
- Community Resource: LIBRARIES
2-5pm • Jackson Library (more info: - FRIDAY SLIDERS & GLIDERS
1pm • Jackson XC Ski Touring Ctr- Meeting every Friday; Be ready to go at 1pm, finishing up about 3pm. If you need to rent equipment it is available at an additional cost (click here for rates and options.) Bring water, trail snack, and appropriate attire.
- Weather and snow/trail condition dependent
5pm • Zoom only- Zoom link and password required.
- WAY of the CROSS
Ongoing • JCC Sanctuary- Icons and stations of cross available for personal spiritual contemplation and journey
- Community Event: ANIMALS in WINTER (Jackson Public Library)
4:30pm • Jackson Public Library- Winter means cold, ice, snow, and shorter days. How do New Hampshire animals survive these conditions? Join a naturalist from Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, along with two live animals up close to find out about various successful adaptations they use to cope with the stresses of winter. Visiting animals may include porcupine, Great Horned Owl, opossum, skunk, woodchuck, Eastern Screech Owl, turtles, or hawks. This program presented at no cost to the community and open to all with generous support from the Friends of Jackson Public Library.
- For more information to answer any questions please contact the library: (603) 383-9731
- Community Events: MUSIC AROUND TOWN
- Ledge Brewing: Food for Bears • 6-8pm
- Wildcat Tavern: Al Shafner• 7-9pm • $5 cover
- Shannon Door: Marty Quirk • 6-9pm
- Red Parka: Blue Matter • 8-11pm
- Shovel handle Pub: Rek’lkis Duo • 5:30-8:30pm
- Community Event: FRIDAY NIGHT JAZZ: Mike Sakash, Craig Bryan, & Al Hospers
7pm • Majestic Cafe, Conway- Walk-ins are always welcome, but space is limited; reservations are available to guarantee your seat and to indicate a seating choice.
- The Friday Night jazz series has a $10 per person cover charge.
- Doors at 6 pm; music at 7pm.
- Come in early and grab a panini before the music starts
4pm (Fri) – 8am (Sat) • JCC- Kroka is a nonprofit wilderness expedition school based in Marlow, NH. For those of you who want to learn more about Kroka go to Quite impressive!
- Our guests will be walking from Bartlett to Jackson.
- This includes 15 Kroka students and faculty and we would like to have 15 Jackson community members.
- CHURCH IS OFF LIMITS until this group departs on Saturday morning.
SAT, Mar 9
- Community Resource: LIBRARIES
- 10am-2pm • Jackson Library (more info:
- 11am-3pm• Bartlett Public Library (more info:
- Community Event: OPEN HOURS @ Jackson Historical Society
1-3pm • Jackson Historical Society- Also open by appointment.
- More info:
- White Mountain Art Sale
- The Jackson Historical Society is holding its 21st annual White Mountain Art Sale. There are currently over 50 items from private collectors, primarily 19thcentury paintings. To see the online catalog, go to Items are available to purchase as they arrive, so check the catalog frequently to see new additions.
- The Society is open Saturdays and Sundays 1-3pm. If you are interested in a painting, the Society can open by appointment. Contact
10am – 1pm • Tin Mountain Nature Learning Ctr, Albany- Join Tin Mountain naturalists as we explore the newly created trail system on the Lori Jean Kinsey Arboretum and adjacent private Bald Hill lands at Tin Mountain Conservation Center in Albany. Moderate climbs, downhill descents, and sweeping switchbacks await us as we summit Bald Hill, explore hemlock stands, and enjoy unique views of surrounding peaks. Participants will need to provide their own ski setup (classic-style/touring) and trails are rated intermediate. Afterwards we will convene at a neighborhood brewpub for fun drinks and appetizers for those interested.
- $15/person or $25/household for non-members; members are free.
- Reservations required; call 447-6991 or click to register online.
- Community Event: SNOW SHOE TOUR
10am-11:30am • Tin Mtn Nature Learning Center- Join Outreach Coordinator, Heather McKendry, for a slow-paced snowshoe tour that explores the Tin Mountain Conservation trails in Albany, NH. Outdoor highlights include animal tracks, sightings and a beaver pond, while inside the Nature Learning Center you will find animal mounts and a gem & mineral collection. Winter is the perfect season to see evidence of our year-round residents and enjoy our winter landscape. If you need snowshoes we have them in all sizes!
- Non-member tour: $15/pp or $25/household & snowshoe rentals $15pp
- Members are Free and may borrow snowshoes to use on property, so consider becoming a member!
- Click here to register or call 603-447-6991. Walk ins welcome.
- Community Resource: LIBRARIES
- 10am-2pm • Jackson Library
Contact the library for additional help: 603.383.9731 or by email: - 11am-3pm • Bartlett Library
More info:
- 10am-2pm • Jackson Library
- WAY of the CROSS
Ongoing • JCC Sanctuary- Icons and stations of cross available for personal spiritual contemplation and journeys
- Community Event: MWV ADAPTIVE SPORTS PROGRAM Fundraiser
4-8pm • Ledge Brewing- Silent Auction to support MWV Adaptive Sports!
- Free and open to the public. Hundreds of great prizes on display in the Barrel Room, bid early and often to support an excellent cause!
- BluGrit Blues band in the Falcon Room 6-9pm
- Community Events: MUSIC AROUND TOWN
- Wildcat Tavern: Apres Ski w/Al Shafner • 3-56pm – $5 cover / Jonathan Sarty • 7-9pm – $5 cover
- Shannon Door: Apres Ski w/Marty Quirk 4-6pm / Scott Baer • 7pm
- Red Parka: Blue Matter • 8-11pm
- Ledge Brewing: Blue Grits Band • 6-9pm / Adaptive Ski Program Fundraiser • 4-8pm
- Black Mountain: Jonathan Sarty • 3:30-5:30pm
- Shovel Handle Pub: Randy Messineo • 5:30-8:30pm
SUN, Mar 10
8am • Old red library in Jackson / zoom- Join us for poetry, prayer, and conversation.
- Zoom link and password required.
9:15m • JCC- Come to the sanctuary to practce Lent and Easter songs
10:30am • Jackson Community Church & Zoom- Zoom link and password required.
- Music by Sharon Novak
- Message by Rev Gail Doktor
11:30am • JCC Parish Hall- Hospitality after Church
- WAY of the CROSS
Ongoing • JCC Sanctuary- Icons and stations of cross available for personal spiritual contemplation and journeys
- Community Event: OPEN HOURS @ Jackson Historical Society
1-3pm • Jackson Historical Society (Also open by appointment.)- More info:
- White Mountain Art Sale
- The Jackson Historical Society is holding its 21st annual White Mountain Art Sale. There are currently over 50 items from private collectors, primarily 19thcentury paintings. To see the online catalog, go to Items are available to purchase as they arrive, so check the catalog frequently to see new additions.
- The Society is open Saturdays and Sundays 1-3pm If you are interested in a painting, the Society can open by appointment. Contact
7-8:30pm • Whitney Community Center- As climate disruptions become more apparent and costly, there is an increasing emphasis on the best response. Using EN-ROADS Climate Simulator, from MIT’s Sloan School of Management and Climate Interactive, this workshop will look at the impacts of personal choices and recent legislation, and explore next steps in crafting effective and equitable bipartisan climate solutions that will benefit people while ensuring a livable world for all. This program is hosted by the MWV CCWG and presented by Peter Dugas, EN-ROADS Ambassador and Maine State Coordinator for Citizens Climate Lobby. Sunday, March 10th, 7-8:30p FREE
- Click here to learn more about WCC programs:
- Community Event: MUSIC AROUND TOWN
- Shannon Door: Scott Baer • 6-9pm
- Black Mountain: Chris Schalick • 3:30-5:30
- Red Parka: Mitch Alden • 5-8pm
- Shovel Handle Pub: Ryan St. Onge • 5:30-8:30pm
Ash Wednesday reflection
~ Rumi
I can hear the sizzle of newborn stars, and know anything of meaning, of the fierce magic emerging here. I am witness to flexible eternity, the evolving past, and I know we will live forever, as dust or breath in the face of stars, in the shifting pattern of winds. — Joy Harjo
Will you meet us in the ashes,
will you meet us in the ache
and show your face within our sorrow
and offer us your word of grace:
That you are life within the dying,
that you abide within the dust,
that you are what survives the burning,
that you arise to make us new.
And in our aching, you are breathing;
and in our weeping, you are here
within the hands that bear your blessing,
enfolding us within your love.
- Ashes by Celine Dion (pop):
- Dust In the Wind by Kansas (rock):
- Ashes to Ashes by David Bowie (rock):
- Glimmer in the Dust by Hillsong (Christian):
- Dust by Eli Young Band (pop):
- Another One Bites the Dust by Queen (rock):
- Dust by Steffany Gretzinger (Christian):
- Devils & Dust by Bruce Springsteen (rock):
- Ashes By Now by EmmyLou Harris (country):
- Dirt to Dust by David Aldean (country):
- Ashes by Embrace (pop):
- Ashes by Meghan Trainor (pop):
- Take These Ashes by Sarah Hart (Christian):
Joel 2:12-13
Yet even now, says the Lord, return to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning; rend your hearts and not your clothing. Return to the Lord your God, for God is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, abounding in steadfast love…
Rend Your Heart
A Blessing for Ash Wednesday
—Jan Richardson
To receive this blessing, all you have to do
is let your heart break.
Let it crack open.
Let it fall apart / so that you can see
its secret chambers, the hidden spaces
where you have hesitated / to go.
Your entire life
is here, inscribed whole
upon your heart’s walls:
every path taken
or left behind,
every face you turned toward
or turned away,
every word spoken in love
or in rage,
every line of your life
you would prefer to leave
in shadow,
every story that shimmers
with treasures known
and those you have yet
to find.
It could take you days
to wander these rooms.
Forty, at least.
And so let this be
a season for wandering,
for trusting the breaking,
for tracing the rupture
that will return you
to the One who waits,
who watches,
who works within
the rending
to make your heart
Ruler of the Night, Guarantor of the day . . .
This day — a gift from you.
This day — like none other you have ever given,
or we have ever received.
This Wednesday dazzles us
with gift and newness and possibility.
This Wednesday burdens us
with the tasks of the day,
for we are already halfway home
halfway back to committees and memos,
halfway back to calls and appointments,
halfway on to next Sunday,
halfway back, half frazzled, half expectant,
half turned toward you, half rather not.
This Wednesday is a long way from Ash Wednesday,
but all our Wednesdays are marked by ashes —
we begin this day with that taste of ash in our mouth:
of failed hope and broken promises,
of forgotten children and frightened women,
we ourselves are ashes to ashes,
dust to dust; we can taste our mortality
as we roll the ash around on our tongues.
We are able to ponder our ashness with some confidence,
only because our every Wednesday of ashes anticipates
your Easter victory over that dry, flaky taste of death.
On this Wednesday, we submit our ashen way to you —
you Easter parade of newness.
Before the sun sets, take our Wednesday and Easter us,
Easter us to joy and energy and courage and freedom;
Easter us that we may be fearless for your truth.
Come here and Easter our Wednesday
with mercy and justice and peace and generosity.
We pray as we wait for the
Risen One who comes soon.
PRAYER — Mary Oliver
May I never not be frisky,
May I never not be risque.
May my ashes, when you have them, friend,
and give them to the ocean,
leap in the froth of the waves,
still loving movement,
still ready, beyond all else,
to dance for the world.
― Thích Nhất Hạnh
It is possible of course to get stuck in the “mud” of life. It’s easy enough to notice mud all over you at times. The hardest thing to practice is not allowing yourself to be overwhelmed by despair. When you’re overwhelmed by despair, all you can see is suffering everywhere you look. You feel as if the worst thing is happening to you. But we must remember that suffering is a kind of mud that we need in order to generate joy and happiness. Without suffering, there’s no happiness. So we shouldn’t discriminate against the mud. We have to learn how to embrace and cradle our own suffering and the suffering of the world, with a lot of tenderness.
— and —
The soil of our mind contains many seeds, positive and negative. We are the gardeners who identify, water, and cultivate the best seeds.
Living Psalm 51—Ash Wednesday
Confession for Creation Justice
Written by Maren Tirabassi
To any leader. A Psalm of David, when he took what he wanted, uncaring of the death and damage it caused, which was great.
Have mercy on us, O God,with the love that shaped all creation,
for we confess that we have been the ones
who blotted out —
made endangered and extinct —
creatures of air and land
by destroying their habitats.
If there is any clean water left, wash us,
but only after the creatures
of the oceans and lakes and rivers
return and are healed.
For we know our transgression —
we have torn off the tops of mountains
and our sin has fracked deep
into the very fissures of the earth.
Against you, melting your glaciers, we sin,
and we have done what is evil,
so that wildfires rage across
Australia, California,
and the Amazon rainforest
and the fox and koala and ocelot
judge us by their death.
Indeed, we are guilty against the newly born
who will be eleven years-old,
when our greed changes their earth
beyond hope of repair.
You desire truth,
but we clutch lies about the climate.
Help us repent so we can hear wisdom,
and make us wise enough to repent.
Let us not be clean,
but dirty in a community garden,
and wet with sweat
because we have walked and biked,
taken buses instead of cars,
cleaned ourselves with quick showers.
Let us taste the joy of locavores,
celebrate grizzly, wolf, gray whale,
sea lion, panda,
who have come back to thriving.
Most of all — let our hearts be stirred
not by what makes us wealthy in money
but what makes us wealthy in future.
Create in us a pure heart, O God,
and renew in us
the Spirit that hovers over your creation.
Then we will let our children teach us,
honor sacred lands of indigenous peoples,
open our lips for national parks
and our mouths for wildlife refuges.
Deliver us from being destroyers, O God,
and give us tongues that call for change.
For you have no delight
when we pile abundance on abundance.
The gift that pleases you
is one pollinator saved —
butterfly and bee, O God, is our acceptable prayer.
Lenten Reflection Day 27 (Mar 20): WANT (Psalm 23).
SONG: I Want to Know What Love Is by Foreigner
POEM: Robert Bly: Wanting Sumptuous Heavens (excerpt): Only we, with our opposable thumbs, want / Heaven to be, and God to come, again. / There is no end to our grumbling; we want / Comfortable earth and sumptuous Heaven.
QUOTE: George Orwell: Freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
Ash Wednesday with JCC: Reflections and schedule
JOEL 2:12-13
Yet even now, says the Lord, return to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning; rend your hearts and not your clothing. Return to the Lord your God, for God is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, abounding in steadfast love…
WED, Feb 22
- 8-10am: JTown Deli
- 10:15-11:30am: Autumn Nomad
- Noon-1:30pm: Glen Ledge Deli / McSheffreys North
- 2-3:45pm: JCC Sanctuary
- 4-4:30pm: Red Parka
- 7pm • Nativity Lutheran, North Conway
JCC attends Lutheran service to enjoy local clergy John Heropoulos , MDiv lead the liturgy
- 7pm • Nativity Lutheran, North Conway
If you have become ash,
Then wait, you become a rose again.
And do not remember how often you have become ash,
But how often you were reborn in ashes to a new rose. ~ Rumi
I can hear the sizzle of newborn stars, and know anything of meaning, of the fierce magic emerging here. I am witness to flexible eternity, the evolving past, and I know we will live forever, as dust or breath in the face of stars, in the shifting pattern of winds. — Joy Harjo
- Ashes by Celine Dion (pop):
- Dust In the Wind by Kansas (rock):
- Ashes to Ashes by David Bowie (rock):
- Glimmer in the Dust by Hillsong (Christian):
- Dust by Eli Young Band (pop):
- Another One Bites the Dust by Queen (rock):
- Dust by Steffany Gretzinger (Christian):
- Devils & Dust by Bruce Springsteen (rock):
- Ashes By Now by EmmyLou Harris (country):
- Dirt to Dust by David Aldean (country):
- Ashes by Embrace (pop):
- Ashes by Meghan Trainor (pop):
- Take These Ashes by Sarah Hart (Christian):
WILL YOU MEET US? — Jan Richardson
Will you meet us in the ashes,
will you meet us in the ache
and show your face within our sorrow
and offer us your word of grace:
That you are life within the dying,
that you abide within the dust,
that you are what survives the burning,
that you arise to make us new.
And in our aching, you are breathing;
and in our weeping, you are here
within the hands that bear your blessing,
enfolding us within your love.
—Jan Richardson
To receive this blessing, all you have to do
is let your heart break.
Let it crack open.
Let it fall apart / so that you can see
its secret chambers, the hidden spaces
where you have hesitated / to go.
Your entire life
is here, inscribed whole
upon your heart’s walls:
every path taken
or left behind,
every face you turned toward
or turned away,
every word spoken in love
or in rage,
every line of your life
you would prefer to leave
in shadow,
every story that shimmers
with treasures known
and those you have yet
to find.
It could take you days
to wander these rooms.
Forty, at least.
And so let this be
a season for wandering,
for trusting the breaking,
for tracing the rupture
that will return you
to the One who waits,
who watches,
who works within
the rending
to make your heart
MARKED by ASHES (excerpt) — Walter Brueggeman
Ruler of the Night, Guarantor of the day . . .
This day — a gift from you.
This day — like none other you have ever given,
or we have ever received.
This Wednesday dazzles us
with gift and newness and possibility.
This Wednesday burdens us
with the tasks of the day,
for we are already halfway home
halfway back to committees and memos,
halfway back to calls and appointments,
halfway on to next Sunday,
halfway back, half frazzled, half expectant,
half turned toward you, half rather not.
This Wednesday is a long way from Ash Wednesday,
but all our Wednesdays are marked by ashes —
we begin this day with that taste of ash in our mouth:
of failed hope and broken promises,
of forgotten children and frightened women,
we ourselves are ashes to ashes,
dust to dust; we can taste our mortality
as we roll the ash around on our tongues.
We are able to ponder our ashness with some confidence,
only because our every Wednesday of ashes anticipates
your Easter victory over that dry, flaky taste of death.
On this Wednesday, we submit our ashen way to you —
you Easter parade of newness.
Before the sun sets, take our Wednesday and Easter us,
Easter us to joy and energy and courage and freedom;
Easter us that we may be fearless for your truth.
Come here and Easter our Wednesday
with mercy and justice and peace and generosity.
We pray as we wait for the
Risen One who comes soon.
PRAYER — Mary Oliver
May I never not be frisky,
May I never not be risque.
May my ashes, when you have them, friend,
and give them to the ocean,
leap in the froth of the waves,
still loving movement,
still ready, beyond all else,
to dance for the world.
― Thích Nhất Hạnh
It is possible of course to get stuck in the “mud” of life. It’s easy enough to notice mud all over you at times. The hardest thing to practice is not allowing yourself to be overwhelmed by despair. When you’re overwhelmed by despair, all you can see is suffering everywhere you look. You feel as if the worst thing is happening to you. But we must remember that suffering is a kind of mud that we need in order to generate joy and happiness. Without suffering, there’s no happiness. So we shouldn’t discriminate against the mud. We have to learn how to embrace and cradle our own suffering and the suffering of the world, with a lot of tenderness.
— and —
The soil of our mind contains many seeds, positive and negative. We are the gardeners who identify, water, and cultivate the best seeds.
Living Psalm 51—Ash Wednesday
Written by Maren Tirabassi
To any leader. A Psalm of David, when he took what he wanted, uncaring of the death and damage it caused, which was great.
Have mercy on us, O God,
with the love that shaped all creation,
for we confess that we have been the ones
who blotted out — made endangered and extinct —
creatures of air and land
by destroying their habitats.
If there is any clean water left, wash us,
but only after the creatures
of the oceans and lakes and rivers
return and are healed.
For we know our transgression —
we have torn off the tops of mountains
and our sin has fracked deep
into the very fissures of the earth.
Against you, melting your glaciers, we sin,
and we have done what is evil,
so that wildfires rage across
Australia, California,
and the Amazon rainforest
and the fox and koala and ocelot
judge us by their death.
Indeed, we are guilty against the newly born
who will be eleven years-old,
when our greed changes their earth
beyond hope of repair.
You desire truth,
but we clutch lies about the climate.
Help us repent so we can hear wisdom,
and make us wise enough to repent.
Let us not be clean,
but dirty in a community garden,
and wet with sweat
because we have walked and biked,
taken buses instead of cars,
cleaned ourselves with quick showers.
Let us taste the joy of locavores,
celebrate grizzly, wolf, gray whale,
sea lion, panda,
who have come back to thriving.
Most of all — let our hearts be stirred
not by what makes us wealthy in money
but what makes us wealthy in future.
Create in us a pure heart, O God,
and renew in us
the Spirit that hovers over your creation.
Then we will let our children teach us,
honor sacred lands of indigenous peoples,
open our lips for national parks
and our mouths for wildlife refuges.
Deliver us from being destroyers, O God,
and give us tongues that call for change.
For you have no delight
when we pile abundance on abundance.
The gift that pleases you
is one pollinator saved —
butterfly and bee, O God, is our acceptable prayer.