Palm Sunday Schedule

Palm Sunday: April 5


10:30am WORSHIP


  • To give you a chance to connect, we’ll keep the worship Zoom space open for an extra 10-15 minutes as a virtual “hospitality interlude” after the postlude. You are welcome to remain online and chat awhile. Remember to bring your own cup of tea or coffee along.

Other Palm Sunday Notes:

PALMS: We’re inviting people to pick up palms inside the front entrance to the church between Friday and Saturday. The stalks have been separated into individual bundles, so you may take your own palms without touching other bundles. Or simply bring your own available greenery (pine boughs or leafy branches work) from your garden, yard to the Zoom worship. We’ll use the palms or greenery during worship.
      Alternately, you can download a coloring page ( pattern 1 | pattern 2 | pattern 3 ) for a palm leaf and make one out of paper!
      You’re also invited to place some palms or greenery on your front doors as a sign of hope and solidarity for Holy Week. See more about this idea.

SPECIAL MUSIC: Different Jackson and Bartlett families and individuals have been recording music for worship. Expect some upbeat and meditative musicthis week and for Easter.

COMMUNION ELEMENTS: Additionally, this Sunday is communion. Some people have been preparing for worship by lighting a candle (please attend to safety if you do this) or placing flowers and/or Bibles nearby. We also suggest having an offering jar/glass ready, as a visual reminder to continue supporting the church. These details create a worship-centered atmosphere. For this Sunday, if you want to partake of communion,  please have these suggested elements ready:

  • Small piece of toast or bread, crackers, tortilla chips, or cookies (whatever you might have available).
  • Water, juice, or wine in a glass

We will bless the elements during the online worship. And share them together.

Meanwhile, if you need support, you can reach out to the church by email or contact Rev Gail directly!

Palm Sunday Schedule
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