Reflections on journeys with friends and companions

Friends are as companions on a journey, who ought to aid each other to persevere in the road to a happier life. — Pythagoras

In the end, what you do isn’t going to be nearly as interesting or important as who you do it with.— John Green

Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought. ― Matsuo Basho


Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home. ― Matsuo Bashô

Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction. – Antoine Desaint-Exupery

In Life, It’s Not Where You Go, It’s Who You Travel With. –  Charles Schulz

Never go on trips with anyone you do not love. – Ernest Hemingway

Will you give me yourself? Will you come to travel with me? Shall we stick by each other as long as we live?” – Walt Whitman

Here’s to all the places we went. And here’s to all the places we’ll go.– John Green.

Fifty years from now, when you’re looking back at your life, don’t you want to be able to say you had the guts to get in the car? – Sam Witwicky 

“Home is not where you are from, it is where you belong. Some of us travel the whole world to find it. Others, find it in a person. – Beau Taplin

As soon as I saw you I knew a grand adventure was about to happen.— A.A. Milne

When traveling with someone, take large doses of patience and tolerance with your morning coffee.–Helen Hayes

I have found out that there ain’t no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them. — Mark Twain

There is a whole world out there. Pack your backpack, your best friend and go. — Unattributed

We are all travelers in the wilderness of the world & the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.” – Robert Louis Stevenson

Be careful whom you make memories with. Those things can last a lifetime. – Ugo Eze

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. – Izaak Walton

I get a friend to travel with me… I need somebody to bring me back to who I am. It’s hard to be alone. – Leonardo DiCaprio

A journey is best measured in friends rather than miles. – Tim Cahill

Travel only with thy equals or thy betters; if there are none, travel alone. –The Dhammapada

Find Yourself a Friend — Rumi

find yourself a friend
who is willing to
tolerate you with patience
put to the test the essence
of the best incense
by putting it in fire
drink a cup of poison
if handed to you by a friend
when filled with love and grace
step into the fire
like the chosen prophet
the secret love will change
hot flames to a garden
covered with blossoms
roses and hyacinths and willow
spinning and throwing you
a true friend can hold you
like God and his universe

This Morning I Pray for My Enemies

— Joy Harjo
And whom do I call my enemy?
An enemy must be worthy of engagement.
I turn in the direction of the sun and keep walking.
It’s the heart that asks the question,
not my furious mind.
The heart is the smaller cousin of the sun.
It sees and knows everything.
It hears the gnashing even as it hears the blessing.
The door to the mind should only open from the heart.
An enemy who gets in,
risks the danger of becoming a friend.

Reflections on journeys with friends and companions
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