Mamas & Papas

Gratitude Daily Devotional Nov 23: Grateful for Vision and Dreams

Daily Devotional

Cultivate gratitude each day this month.
Day 23: Grateful for Vision and Dreams

  • Scripture: Joel 2:28: I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.
  • Meditation: Human minds are designed to dream. We dream at night. We imagine by day. We aspire in our lives. What visions has Love placed in your heart? What do these gifts cause you to focus on for your future?
  • Spiritual Practice: Spend time thinking about your dreams and aspirations. Write them down. Give thanks for the dreams placed in your heart and mind.



DREAMS Mary Oliver
All night
the dark buds of dreams
richly.In the center
of every petal
is a letter,
and you imagineif you could only remember
and string them all together
they would spell the answer.
It is a long night,

and not an easy one—
you have so many branches,
and there are diversions—
birds that come and go,

the black fox that lies down
to sleep beneath you,
the moon staring
with her bone-white eye.

Finally you have spent
all the energy you can
and you drag from the ground
the muddy skirt of your roots

and leap awake
with two or three syllables
like water in your mouth
and a sense

of loss—a memory
not yet of a word,
certainly not yet the answer—
only how it feels

when deep in the tree
all the locks click open,
and the fire surges through the wood,
and the blossoms blossom.

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