daily devotional

Advent Day 7: Daily Devotional

Lighting the candle requires multiple tools and actions. Hands to manipulate the match and candle. Fuel to ignite the spark. Oxygen to feed the flame. All these elements exemplify interconnection and dependency on each other in order to move from potential to reality. Hope permits us to seek connection and support. Hope suggests that we […]

Advent Daily Devotional: Day 6

Fri, Dec 4 – DAY 6 Hope often involves learning from our experiences. Gaining insight from our past, the hard parts and the good ones, and putting them to use.             Hope is controlling the one thing we’re able to affect: our own response to whatever has already happened and what is happening now. How […]

Advent Day 6: Daily Devotional

Hope often involves learning from our experiences. Gaining insight from our past, the hard parts and the good ones, and putting them to use. Hope is controlling the one thing we’re able to affect: our own response to whatever has already happened and what is happening now. How will we react? What will we do […]

Advent Daily Devotional: Day 5

Thurs, Dec 3 – DAY 5 Hope fosters comfort with stillness and silence, as aspects of not-knowing. In these times, we’re enduring personal pressures and communal, national and global stresses. Hope supports resilience in a culture that offers round-the-clock data feeds. We give ourselves permission to unplug and turn down the noise. We need this […]

Advent Day 3: Daily Devotional

The first Advent candle has melted slightly. Been put to use. It stands upright as it reaches toward heaven, yet remains rooted in its secure place. Between its certainty of position and its daring rise, it fulfills its purpose. Hope grows out of a sense of purpose. Any human, at any age, may make a […]

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