daily devotional

Advent Daily Devotional (Day 27)

Thursday, Dec 24 – DAY 27 On the eve of holy love’s renewed arrival in the world, we prepare ourselves. How do you get ready to welcome love at the door of your heart? To answer when it knocks on the threshold of your life? Perhaps simply by listening. Waiting. And setting aside any sense […]

Daily Advent Devotional (Day 26)

Wednesday, Dec 23 – DAY 26 As we draw closer to the celebration of holy love’s arrival within our lives, as honored on Christmas Day, we may reflect on how our human experience of love has already shaped us. Who in our early lives offered us models of love? What forms did that love take? […]

Advent Daily Devotional (Day 25)

Tuesday, Dec 22 – DAY 25 Love also has other expressions. It can involve partners with whom we achieve eros, a passionate love. Over time, it is also found as a more mature love that endures through long-term relationships, and is called pragma.            As one commentator explained, “Unlike the other types of love, pragma […]

Advent Daily Devotional: Day 22 – Week of Love

Sunday, Dec 20 – DAY 22 Love glows bright as the focus of this week’s reflections. As we light our candles, we prepare to welcome holy love into our homes and lives.            Can you imagine a love more determined than the one that chooses to show up in our messy and imperfect world? To be […]

Daily Advent Devotional: Day 21 – Sat, Dec 19

Joy may be encouraged and reinforced by your choice of environments. Opt to connect with nature. Or to change perspectives by going somewhere other than your usual setting.            How you set the stage for where you work and play permits you to access joy. Being in places that minimize interruptions and offer immediate inspiration may […]

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