daily devotional

Advent Day 2: Daily Devotional

Perhaps you light the candles in a darkened room or as the sun drops beneath the horizon. The gloaming gathers. You watch the heightened contrast as the flame burns. In that moment, become aware both of the surrounding twilight and the flickering light. Both light and its opposite — the darkness — are gifts. Each […]

Sun, Nov 29 Gratitude Reflection

Today give thanks for promises and covenants. What contracts and agreements define your life? What vows and oaths have you taken? What promises have you made and kept? Which have you broken?          With whom did you make such agreements, such as a marriage vow, or the choice to adopt someone? Did you make a […]

Sat, Nov 28 Gratitude Reflection

Pay attention to darkness. What are the gifts that darkness brings to you? Shade provides respite from glaring light or extreme heat. Night permits sleep and rejuvenation. Shadows reveal depth. Darkness is, in some ways, the absence of light and color. In other ways, it is the blending of many hues to create a deeper, […]

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