
Farewells: Geraldine (Gerry) Disbrow Tilton and Barry Brodil

Unexpected Goodbye to BARRY BRODIL

At the request of his widow Jan Brodil and their family, we share the unexpected and sad news that Barry Brodil died in his sleep while at home last night. Jan says that he played 18 holes of golf on Wednesday, drove himself to his haircut on Thursday, and was looking forward to the arrival of his son and daughter-in-law for a visit as of last night.

Jan observed that she was cancelling Barry’s tee times this morning, because he was such a social and active person with many friends looking forward to spending time with him. She also reflected that people in Jackson and the Mt Washington Valley were so wonderful and prayed for Barry for so long, she wanted our church and community to know how much they appreciate our long-distance care and support. During their time in the valley, Jan and Baery were active and beloved members of our community, and we remained connected with them when they moved to Massachusetts following Barry’s ski accident that caused spinal injury, paralysis, and life-altering experiences.

The family will send updates about any arrangements they make, especially their wishes for memorial contributions to causes that are meaningful to Barry Brodil and his family.

Farewell to GERRY TILTON

Gerry Tilton was in hospice at Memorial Hospital and receiving support from First Church in North Conway, including visits with Rev. Walt Hampton.  She had been diagnosed with a tumor in her lung, and died within a few brief days. Rev. Hampton shared: “Friends, Our dear Gerry slipped the surly bonds of earth last evening. A shining light of faith in action even to the end. I don’t have any additional details yet, but as soon as I do, I will update you. Blessings and peace to you. Wall”

Shared with us by Rev. Gordon Rankin, Conference Minister for NH UCC: “I wanted to let you know that Gerry TIlton passed into God’s eternal care yesterday evening.  A Service of Remembrance will be held at First Church of Christ Congregational in North Conway at a time yet to be set.”

Earlier, Rev. Walt Hampton had shared: “The work of a pastor is usually joyfu. Always beautiful. Sometimes hard. This is hard. Really hard. … please pray for her family, her friends, and all those who love her, that they may find comfort in Gerry’s extraordinary faith and confidence in life eternal.”

FRAUD using cell numbers pretending to be REV GAIL and asking for “help” and you to buy “gift cards”

Beware: the church has been alerted that a scammer is once again using Rev Gail’s name. He/she is texting or messaging fraudulent scam messages sent from fake text/phone 978 and 818 #’s and using Rev Gail’s name (not her email) .
  • Please don’t buy gift cards!
  • The text/emals contact people and ask them to quickly answer back, run an erand, and then buy  gift cards: THIS IS FAKE, THEFT, FRAUD!
  • If you reply, they’ll request you to buy gift cards, then they’ll ask you to scratch off the bak to reveal numbers, and thensend numbers only by text or email.

The church will not ask you to ‘secretly’ or quickly buy bulk supplies like this.

The scammer may also use other FAKE email accounts or numbers. DO NOT BUY GIFT CARDS and then fllow instructions to sceratchj pff the back and send the numbers only.They’re stealing fom you!

  • CALL Rev Gail at 978.273.0308 if you have a question, and don’t follow any email/text/message instructions like this without speaking to Rev Gail personally first at her cell number.

The FAKE message received by one of our members looked something like this:

——– variations on this initial FAKE SCAMMING text message ——–
Hey! (or your name)
Text me when you get this message
I have an errand I’d like you to help me with. I need your help.——

If you answer,the scammer will ask if you can help. Then ask yo to buy gift cards. then instruct yo to scratch the backs to reveal the  numbers, and ask you to send the numbers only (not the cards) by text or email. They will steal the value o the gift  cards by cashing them in online.

THIS IS NOT REV GAIL ASKING. They don’t have my phone number or email, they’re usng a fake account they’ve assigned to Rev Gail’s  name to commit fraud.  The church won’t ask you to do such anerrand in bulk.

If you have ANY QUESTIONS about the validity of a request, call Rev Gail’s cell: 978.273.0308 and speak ro Rev Gail in person!


The police are aware of this ongoing problem. Scammers are NOT using either church or Rev Gail’s email accounts or phone number, but do have access to contact info (we don’t know how), and are contacting people using a fake email account that is identified as Rev Gail.

We have reported the incident, but PLEASE DO NOT RESPOND to the email or act on any ‘secret’ instructions to buy gift cards and then provide all the pin numbers directly by email. This is THEFT!

We’re so sorry that people are committing crimes during a time when people are being generous, but please be careful and cautious with all giving.



SCRIPTURE to be used in this weekend’s message:

GALATIANS 3:28 — There is no longer Jew or Greek; there is no longer slave or free; there is no longer male and female, for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.

COLOSSIANS 3: 10-17 — Put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator. 11 Here there is not Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free; but Christ is all, and in all.
12 Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, 13 bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. 14 And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. 15 And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful.

PHILIPPIANS 2: 4-8Let each of you look not to your own interests but to the interests of others. Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus,
who, though he existed in the form of God,
did not regard equality with God as something to be grasped, but emptied himself, taking the form of a slave,
assuming human likeness.
And being found in appearance as a human,
he humbled himself and became obedient
to the point of death—even death on a cross.
Therefore God exalted him even more highly
and gave him the name that is above every other name,
10 so that at the name given to Jesus every knee should bend,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
11 and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

INDEPENDENCE WEEKEND: Thurs, July 4- Sun, July 7


THURS, July 4th

  • Community Event: JULY 4th PARADE in BARTLETT
    9am • Black Fry Field

    • The Bartlett Recreation Department notes that the Bartlett Hellen Hayes Memorial Parade Route begins at Black Fly Field.
    • Registration starts at 9 a.m., judging ends at 10:15 a.m. and the parade will start at 11 a.m. and come down Route 302 to School Street. It will continue down School Street, following along to the end of the school by the ball field, where the floats, cars, bikes, etc. will park.
    • The Bartlett Recreation Department will have a concession available as a fundraiser for the Jackson/ Bartlett Ambulance Service. Kevin Dolan and Simon Crawford will once
    1:30pm • Conway Village

    • It starts at Olympic Lane (Kennett Middle School Bus Entrance)
    • Taking a left and heading North on Route 16 through the four corners.
    • Turn left to continue on Route 16.
    • The Parade will end at the second exit of Conway Market Place. Here floats will unload.
    • More info: tinyurl.com/northconway4th.
  • Community Event: FESTIVAL & FIREWORKS4:30pm – Festival / 9:30pm – Fireworks • Schouler Park, North Conway
    • Local acts will take the stage in North Conway’s Schouler Park
    • Town fireworks at 9:30 p.m. will culminate a great day of celebrating.
    • More info: tinyurl.com/northconway4th.
  • Community Event: GRAVEL RIDE & BEERS with Ride the Whites
    • This summer, Ride the Whites, will be hosting a weekly Thursday Night Gravel ride. 
    • Ride starts and ends at Ledge Brewery located in Intervale. T
    • he group ride will feature two groups, a sporty spandex group and the party pace no drop group. Each group will ride between 50 – 60 minutes on Town Hall Road and turn back and retrace their tire tracks back to Ledge.
  • Community MUSIC & ENTERTAINMENT around town:
    • Shannon Door: Jeremy Dean • 6-9pm
    • Shovel Handle Pub: Tim Dion • 6-9pm

FRI, July 5

  • HORTON CENTER VISIT with NHC UCC (United Church of Christ) Board of Directors
    All Day • Horton Center, Pine Mountain, NH

    • Rev Gail and family attend the tour and in-person meeting of the state conference’s Board of Directirs
  • Community Resource: LIBRARIES
    2-5pm • Jackson Library (more info: https://jacksonlibrary.org/)
  • Community Event: FIRST FRIDAY with BIRDS on a WIRE

    1pm • Majestic Cafe

    • Birds on a Wire include Jenny and Greg Huang-Dale, plus possible other friends and family. They’ll entertain with their signature bluegrassy, folksy originals, plus a few familiar tunes.
    • The Majestic Cafe opens at 11:30 for fresh-made paninis, charcuterie platters and all your favorite beverages.
    • First Friday performers include Mountain Top faculty and staff, as well as other Mount Washington Valley musicians, who share their music with the community without compensation. All First Friday concerts are open to the public by donation, in keeping with Mountain Top Music Center’s mission of “enriching lives with music.”
  • Community Event: LEGALLY BLONDE the MUSICAL with Arts in Motion

    7pm • Majestic Theater, North Conway

  • C3: COCKTAILS & CHRISTIAN CONVERSATION (no session this week; resumes July 12)
    5pm • Zoom
  • Community Event: MAJESTIC CAFE FRIDAY: Jed Wilson (piano) & Justin Keller (sax)
    7pm • Majestic Cafe, Conway

    • Walk-ins are always welcome, but space is limited; reservations are available to guarantee your seat and to indicate a seating choice.
    • The Friday Night jazz series has a $10 per person cover charge.
    • Doors at 6 pm; music  at 7pm.
    • Come in early and grab a panini before the music starts
    • Info and tickets:: https://www.conwaymajestic.com/cafe
    • The Majestic Cafe has tables for parties of 2 and a limited number of tables for 3 or 4.  If you are a party larger than 4, some of your party will be seated at a different table.  Please note that on busy nights you may be seated at a table with another party.
  • Community MUSIC & ENTERTAINMENT around town:
    • Wildcat Tavern: Al Shafner • 7-9pm – $5 cover
    • Red Parka: Bad Gravity • 8-11pm
    • Shannon Door: Mike & Becca • 6-9pm
    • Shovel Handle Pub: Don Pride Full Band • 6-9pm
    • Ledge Brewing: Sandwich Rangers • 6-8pm

SAT,  July 6

  • Community Resource: LIBRARIES
  • Community Event: LEGALLY BLONDE the MUSICAL with Arts in Motion

    2pm & 7pm • Majestic Theater, North Conway

  • Community Event: OPEN HOURS @ Jackson Historical Society
    1-3pm • Jackson Historical Society

  • Community Event: MIMI WIGGIN ART RECEPTION2-4pm • Tin Mountain, Albany
  • Community Event: DENNIS & DAVEY – Dennis O’Neil and Davey Armstrong

    7pm • Majestic Cafe. Conway Village

    • Walk-ins are always welcome, but space is limited; reservations are available to guarantee your seat and to indicate a seating choice.
    • The jazz series has a $10 per person cover charge.
    • Doors at 6 pm; music  at 7pm.
    • Come in early and grab a panini before the music starts
    • Info and tickets:: https://www.conwaymajestic.com/cafe
    • The Majestic Cafe has tables for parties of 2 and a limited number of tables for 3 or 4.  If you are a party larger than 4, some of your party will be seated at a different table.  Please note that on busy nights you may be seated at a table with another party.
  • Community MUSIC & ENTERTAINMENT around town:
    • Wildcat Tavern: Jonathan Sarty ($5 cover) • 7-9pm
    • Shannon Door: Chris Houston • 7-10pm
    • Red Parka: Bad Gravity • 8-11pm
    • Ledge Brewing: Blue Grit • 6-9pm

SUN, July 7

    8am • Old Red Library (or outside if weather permits)

    10:30am   • Jackson Community Church & Livestream

    • Livestream to Facebook & jxncc.org – which also appears on jxncc.orgwebsite).Worship through zoom is discontinued, watching livestream is now the way to connect.
    • Music by Sharon Novak
    • Message by Rev Gail Do/ktor
  • HOSPITALITY following church
    11:30am • Parish Hall
  • Community Event: LEGALLY BLONDE the MUSICAL with Arts in Motion

    2pm & 7pm • Majestic Theater, North Conway

  • Community Event: OPEN HOURS @ Jackson Historical Society
    1-3pm • Jackson Historical Society (Also open by appointment.)

  • Community MUSIC & ENTERTAINMENT around town:
    • Shannon Door: Jeremy Dean • 6-9pm
    • Red Parka: Jim Pacheco • 4-7pm
    • Ledge Brewing: Bakery Band • 4-6pm
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