Worship & Brunch Church
- Join us for worship around a common meal in the Parish Hall! We meet first in the sanctuary, then retiurn to the Parish Hall.
- JCC provides main entrée and beverages.
- Potluck contributions: feel free to bring your favorite brunch items to the potluck table!
Drop off your potluck item it in Parish Hall by 10:25am (label your containers, please) then come to the sanctuary to start the morning’s worship. - Can’t bring foo? Join us anyway! There’s always plenty to share!
- Worship will be framed by the Beatitudes (from Sermon on the Mount)
- Members of Council will share highlights from the church survey as an executive summary of the survey; you can download the executive summary available here.
- We’ll also share opportunities to become involved with church and community through:
- Social events,
- One-time work days,
- Short-term projects,
- Ongoing teams,
- Service and volunteering options
- If you need a ride, please email the church by Saturday at [email protected], so we can help people attend the gathering!
- Zoom option available if you cannot attend in person. Email the church if you need info [email protected]
SUN, Sept 29: 10:30am Worship & Brunch Church