FRAUDULENT TEXT MESSAGES happening – don’t reply!

Beware: the church has been alerted that a scammer is once again using Rev Gail’s name.
He/she is texting or messaging fraudulent scam messages sent from fake phone # (603.800.3028)
and using Rev Gail’s name (not her real phone number) .
The fraud / scam text message says something like:
Let me know when you’re available.
There is something I need you to do. I am going into a meeting now with limited phone calls,
so please reply as txt. Rev Gail Pomeroy Doktor.”
Please don’t buy gift cards!
The text/emails contact people and ask them to quickly answer back, run an erand, and then buy  gift cards:
They’ll ask u to scratch off the bak to reveal numbers, and thensend numbers only by text or email.
The church will not ask you to ‘secretly’ or quickly buy bulk supplies like this.The scammer may also use other FAKE email accounts or phone numbers. DO NOT BUY GIFT CARDS and then fllow instructions to sceratchj pff the back and send the numbers only.They’re stealing fom you!

CALL Rev Gail if you have a question,
and don’t follow any email/text/message instructions
like this without SPEAKING directly to Rev Gail personally first at her cell number.

The FAKE message received by one of our members looked something like this:
——– variations on this initial FAKE SCAMMING text message ——–
Hey! (or your name)
Let me know when you’re available.
Text me when you get this message
I;’m in a meeting with limited phone calls, so please reply as text.
I have an errand I’d like you to help me with. I need your help. — Rev Gail Pomeroy DoktorIf you answer,the scammer will ask if you can help. Then ask yo to buy gift cards. then instruct yo to scratch the backs to reveal the  numbers, and ask you to send the numbers only (not the cards) by text or email. They will steal the value o the gift  cards by cashing them in online.THIS IS NOT REV GAIL ASKING. They don’t have my phone number or email, they’re usng a fake account they’ve assigned to Rev Gail’s  name to commit fraud.  The church won’t ask you to do such anerrand in bulk.

If you have ANY QUESTIONS about the validity of a request, call Rev Gail’s cell: 978.273.0308 and speak ro Rev Gail in person!

——- variations on this initial FAKE SCAMMING text message ——–


The police are aware of this ongoing problem. Scammers are NOT using either church or Rev Gail’s email accounts or phone number, but do have access to contact info (we don’t know how), and are contacting people using a fake email account that is identified as Rev Gail.

We have reported the incident, but PLEASE DO NOT RESPOND to the email or act on any ‘secret’ instructions to buy gift cards and then provide all the pin numbers directly by email. This is THEFT!

We’re so sorry that people are committing crimes during a time when people are being generous, but please be careful and cautious with all giving.

FRAUDULENT TEXT MESSAGES happening – don’t reply!
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