
Holy Week

HOLY WEEK Items in purple are part of JCC’s Lenten offerings TUE-SAT (evening) WAY of the CROSS Ongoing • JCC Sanctuary Icons and stations of cross available for personal spiritual contemplation and journey THURS, Mar 28: MAUNDY THURSDAY 6pm • WORSHIP SERVICE with Washing of Feet Service hosted at Bartlett Congregational Church Co-sponsored by JCC […]

SAVE these DATES in February & March (including Lent)

Thursday during Lent (Feb 15, Feb 22, Feb 29, Mar 7, Mar 14, Mar 21): Lenten Book Group led by Walt Hampton via zoom Sat, Feb 3: Men’s Breakfast with chef Chris Doktor at JCC Sun, Feb 4: Game Day at JCC Thurs, Feb 8: Mardi Gras with DelleValla Trio plus Louisaina Cuisine by chef […]

Sabbath II, 1988 — Wendell BerryIt is the destruction of the worldin our own livesthat drives us half insane, and more than half.To destroy that which we were givenin trust: how will we bear it?It is our own bodies that we giveto be broken,our bodies existing before and after usin clod and cloud, worm and […]

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