martin luther king jr

Reflections on love, themes from 1 Corinthians 13: 1-3

I looked in temples, churches, and mosques. But I found the Divine within my heart. ― Rumi This is our great covenant: To dwell together in peace, To seek the truth in love, And to help one another. — James Vila Blake Agape is something of the understanding, creative, redemptive goodwill for all men. It […]

Love and Liberty

Love is the bridge between you and everything. ~ Rumi The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is to love and be loved in return. – Natalie Cole Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. – Lao Tzu Do love. Don’t just think love, say love, have faith […]

Reflections on starting journeys: themes from baptismal scripture

If you can’t fly, then run,if you can’t run, then walk,if you can’t walk, then crawl,but by all means keep moving.– Martin Luther King Jr. BELOVED IS WHERE WE BEGIN  — Jan Richardson If you would enter / into the wilderness,do not begin / without a blessing. Do not leavewithout hearing / who you are:Beloved, named […]

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