Jan Richardson

Reflections on starting journeys: themes from baptismal scripture

If you can’t fly, then run,if you can’t run, then walk,if you can’t walk, then crawl,but by all means keep moving.– Martin Luther King Jr. BELOVED IS WHERE WE BEGIN  — Jan Richardson If you would enter / into the wilderness,do not begin / without a blessing. Do not leavewithout hearing / who you are:Beloved, named […]

Meditations on hope and resilience for the first Sunday of Advent

Hope begins in the dark … the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. You don’t give up. — Anne Lamott You do not need to know precisely what is happening, or exactly where it is all going. What you need is to […]

Reflections on the common table: who has a seat?

If the home is a body, the table is the heart, the beating center, the sustainer of life and health.― Shauna Niequist If you’re not at the table, you’re on the menu. — Michael Enzi I feign fullness, but in reality I am achingly empty. And it is because I too often sit at the […]

Meditations on All Hallow’s Eve: October 31

On this All Hallows Eve, who lingers close to you? — Jan Richardson … we give thanks for all those who have come before ushanding on the faith and being used by God for simple acts of love.— Nadia Bolz Weber “Will we ever stop being afraid of nights and death?”“When you reach the stars, […]

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