
Reflections on ravens: curiosity, creativity, and cultural messenger.

Songs about blackbirds and ravens (note: these are different species): Blackbird by The Beatles (rock)Blackbird Song by Lee DeWyze (ballad/blues)Raven Song by Elephant Revival (folk)Blackbird by Nina Simone (blues)The Raven by Alan Parsons Project (electronic rock pop based on Edgar Alan Poe’s work)Hear Me O God, Nor Hide Thy Face (Christian choral music)How Many Are Your Works (Christian hymn) — How sweetly did […]

Reflections on the theme of transfiguration from Mark 9

We consider a story of transformation from Mark 9, echoing stories of Moses and Elijah and Daniel, wherein we glimpse a transcendence that changes everything. What do you want to change in your life? In this world? What is powerful enough to initiate transformation within you?

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