daily devotional

Lenten Reflection Day 23 (Mar 16): BELIEVE (from John 4:5-42).

SONG: Believer by Imagine Dragons: https://youtu.be/7wtfhZwyrcc POEM: Mahogany L. Browne: Country of Water (excerpt): I know who I am because I believe it / The breath in my chest / Insistent in its choice / The skin that I’m in / The bones and blood and veins / It carries like a promise QUOTE: Anne […]

Lenten Reflection Day 22 (Mar 15): GIVE (from John 4:5-42).

SONG: Give by LeAnn Rimes: https://youtu.be/vALhBgHC_FE POEM: Kahlil Gibran: On Giving (excerpt): Then said a rich man, Speak to us of Giving. And he answered: You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give… And there are those who have little and give […]

Lenten Reflection Day 21 (Mar 14): DRINK   (from John 4:5-42).

SONG: Drink Water by The FeelBetterMinnesota: https://youtu.be/3MZK5eRv7L0 POEM: Laura Cronk: Thirst (excerpt): I’m pouring water from cup to cup. This is the water we are meant to drink with the other animals. There are daffodils by the water, a road leading from the water to the shining crown of the sun. QUOTE: Rumi: So come! […]

Lenten Reflection Day 20 (Mar 13): ASK  (from John 4:5-42).

SONG: Ask by The Smiths: https://youtu.be/zoo9Vu1a9bU POEM: Esther Berlin: I Hope to God Yoy Will Not Ask (excerpt): I hope to God you will not ask Me or my People to send Postcard greetings… Yes, we may share the same sun setting But the in-between hours are hollow The People fill the void with prayers […]

Lenten Reflection Day 19 (Mar 12): DRAW WATER  (from John 4:5-42).

SONG: Draw Me a Bucket of Water by Bessie Jones: https://youtu.be/8bWCRraSixo POEM: Edith Wharton: The Mortal Lease (excerpt): Because our kiss is as the moon to draw The mounting waters of that red-lit sea That circles brain with sense, and bids us be The playthings of an elemental law, Shall we forego the deeper touch […]

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