daily devotional

Lenten Reflection Day 19 (Mar 12): DRAW WATER  (from John 4:5-42).

SONG: Draw Me a Bucket of Water by Bessie Jones: https://youtu.be/8bWCRraSixo POEM: Edith Wharton: The Mortal Lease (excerpt): Because our kiss is as the moon to draw The mounting waters of that red-lit sea That circles brain with sense, and bids us be The playthings of an elemental law, Shall we forego the deeper touch […]

Lenten Reflection Day 18 (Mar 11): TIME (from Psalm 121).

SONG: Time After Time by Cyndi Lauper: https://youtu.be/VdQY7BusJNU POEM: John Milton: On Time (excerpt): Fly envious Time, till thou run out thy race, Call on the lazy leaden-stepping hours, Whose speed is but the heavy Plummets pace; And glut thy self with what thy womb devours, Which is no more then what is false and […]

Lenten Reflection Day 16 (Mar 9): HEAVEN and EARTH  (from Psalm 121).

SONG: Heaven on Earth by Stars Go Dim: https://youtu.be/YhCzzQQNnLA POEM: May Swenson: Earth Your Dancing Place (excerpt): Take earth for your own large room and the floor of the earth carpeted with sunlight and hung round with silver wind for your dancing place. QUOTE: William K Purkey: You’ve gotta dance like there’s nobody watching, Love […]

Lenten Reflection Day 15 (Mar 8): LIFE  (from Psalm 121).

SONG: Good Life by OneRepublic: https://youtu.be/fuI0bEdoF30 POEM: Carrie Law Morgan Figgs: Life (excerpt): 1. A moment of pleasure,   An hour of pain, A day of sunshine,  A week of rain, A fortnight of peace,  A month of strife, These taken together Make up life.  2. One real friend  To a dozen foes, Two open […]

Lenten Reflection Day 11 (Mar 4): HEAVY UPON ME (from Psalm 32).

SONG: Heavy On Me by Whiskey Myers: https://youtu.be/82hlHPy4Oc8 POEM: William Shakespeare: Sonnet 50 (excerpt): How heavy do I journey on the way, When what I seek, my weary travel’s end … QUOTE: W.B. Yeats: And heavy mortal hopes that toil and pass …

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