
Lenten Devotional – Thurs, Feb 18: CROWDS

Right now, the term ‘crowds’ feels like a bad word. A no-no. As if it comes with fines and punishments. Don’t be caught in a crowd! We’ve become somewhat accustomed to keeping apart from each other. To distancing. To isolation. Yet as humans, we’re designed for socialization. For connection. For interaction. In a way, many […]

Beatitude Devotional: Wed, Feb 17 – SAW

WEEK 1: Scripture from Matthew 5: When Jesus saw the crowds, he went up the mountain; and after he sat down, his disciples came to him. Then he began to speak, and taught them … Reflection on words from Beatitudes Wed, Feb 17 (Ash Wednesday):  SAW          To see. To be seen. Today we burn […]

Reflections on laughter as holy practice: themes from Luke and ministry of Christ

I commend mirth. — Ecclesiastes 8:15 A smile is a curve that sets everything straight. — Phyllis Diller A child’s laugh should bethe butterfly wing,the ripple-maker,for all the world.There are many children crying —we hear them echoingfrom news media.It is time to praythe change of the worldin children’s laughter.— Maren Tirabasi Questions to consider: Do […]

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