Quick overview of upcoming programming:
- Sun, Mar 31: 9am – Youth & Children Scavenger Hunt and Faith Formation followed by Intergenerational Choir Practice
- Sun, Apr 7: 10:30am – ‘Sunday School’ during worship with Lisa White as lead teacher
- Sun, Apr 14 (Palm Sunday): 9am – Youth & Children Faith Formation Games followed by Intergenerational Choir Practice – stay for 10:30am worship with baptism (kids involved) plus choir performs in church
- Sun, Apr 21 (Easter): 6am – Sunrise Service & 10:30am – Worship & Intergenerational choir performs during worship & 11:45am Easter Egg hunt after church
- Sun, Apr 28: 9am – Youth & Children Games & Faith Formation
- Sun, May 5: 10:30am ‘Sunday School’ during worship with Lisa White as lead teacher
- Sun, May 12: 9am – Youth & Children Games & Faith Formation / 10:30am – Mother’s Day Worship (special speaker)
- Sun, May 19: 9am – Youth & Children Games & Faith Formation9)
- Sun, May 26: 9am – Youth & Children Games & Faith Formation10)
- Sun, June 2: 10:30am – ‘Children & Youth Sunday’ – Intergenerational Choir, music by families/students (please let us know if you’d like to offer music), youth speaker
Family Weekend at Horton Center: June 21-23 (Fri-Sun)
Rev Gail & Chris Doktor serving as deans for this family camp! Registration info!
Peace & Empowerment Camp Summer Camp: June 24-28 at Jackson Community Church for grades K-6 plus counselor-in-training opportunities for students 7th grade and up. Lunch will be provided! We will run it one week, and possibly once more at the end of the summer, depending on response/registration. We’re collaborating with other local faith communities to welcome additional students. This camp is open to the community. We’ll work on concepts of Peace drawn from several cultures, based on curriculum from that Rev Gail is using as a dean this summer at Horton Center’s outdoor mountain top camp, including Aloha, Ubuntu, Haiwa, Si Se Puedo. Plus lessons in Empowerment. Spiritual learning will be part of the curriculum. Program also includes live music, games, arts, contemplative practices, outdoor excursions (weather permitting), reflections, and goal-setting.
Also: Bushee-Thorne Scholarships available for summer camps: application due ASAP. Return the scholarship application to me or the church email ([email protected]).