Author : jacksonnhcc

Lenten Reflection Day 8 (Mar 1): ACKNOWLEDGE (from Psalm 32).

SONG: Acknowledge Me by Prince: POEM: Jen Tynes: After Tagging the Dust Your Body Is Made Of (excerpt): … Electricity changes, there is no body to acknowledge through touch, I fling forward past my desires … QUOTE: Brene Brown: Shame, blame, disrespect, betrayal, and the withholding of affection damage the roots from which love […]

Lenten Reflection Day 7 (Feb 28): FORGIVEN (from Psalm 32).

SONG: Pray for Forgiveness by Alicia Keyes: POEM: Jane Hirshfield: The Weighing (excerpt): The heart’s reasons seen clearly, even the hardest will carry its whip-marks and sadness and must be forgiven. QUOTE: Veronica Roth: Can I be forgiven for all I’ve done to get here? I want to be. I can. I believe it.

Lenten Reflection Day 6 (Feb 27): TRANSGRESSION (from Psalm 32).

SONG: Transgression by Kodak Black: POEM: William Shakespeare: Sonnet 120 (excerpt) … And for that sorrow which I then did feel Needs must I under my transgression bow … QUOTE: Leo Buscaglia: I exist, I am, I am here, I am becoming, I make my own life and no one else makes it for […]

Lenten Reflection Day 5 (Feb 26): MERCIFUL (from Joel 2:12-17).

SONG: Mercy by Shawn Mendes: QUOTE: Maya Angelou: Without courage we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We can’t be kind, true, merciful, generous, or honest. POEM: Jose Antonio Rodriguez: Mercy (excerpt)  … if you find me hereErecting the same elements With these meager tools, Wanting even now to give them life, That […]

Lenten Reflection Day 4 (Feb 25): REND  (from Joel 2:12-17).

SONG: Rend Your Heart by MNaria Gilpin: POEM: HD (Hilda Doolittle): Garden (excerpt). II. O wind, rend open the heat, cut apart the heat, rend it to tatters. Fruit cannot drop through this thick air— fruit cannot fall into heat that presses up and blunts the points of pears and rounds the grapes. Cut […]

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