Volunteer for JCC’s ecumenical lemonade stand at Pride, play mini golf for Jens Friends, attend the gala for Gibson Center, boogie at Boots n Bling for Starting Point, volunteer for Way Station’s Circles startup team, host hospitality at church, help at the May 20th Plant Sale, become a virtual deacon for zoom with church, and more!
Sat, May 20th Plant Sale @ JCC

Help in one of these ways:
- Drop off seedlings, house plants, cuttings and other garden and yard gleanings during the week prior to the sale. They may beleft outside beneath the outer stairwell. Pots and popsicle sticks for labeling plants are on site.
- Come early on Saturday if you want to help the missions team with the plant sale.
- Drop by the plant sale to acquire plants for your house, garden, or yard.
Proceeds benefit people in need of shelter in the valley and abroad, particularly refugees.

June 2 • 10am – 4pm
Join us at Pirates Cove Mini Golf for a Jen’s Friends fun,fund raiser! 100% of your $10. ticket goes to Jen’s Friends!
Click the link to register for mini-golf. REGISTER: https://jensfriends.salsalabs.org/minigolf2023

Celebrating Seniors
Thursday, May 11th
Majestic Theater
5:45pm socializing • 7pm program starts
Renowned radio host Laura Knoy, previously the moderator of NHPR’s The Exchange, will moderate a panel of Valley celebrities.
- On stage will be artist, musician and actor Mary Bastoni, judge and mediator Peter Fauver, coach and mentor Bernie Livingston and Jen’s Friends Board member, Barbara Theriault for a night of joy and laughter.
- Also: Silent Auction
- Features scrumptious hors d’oeuvres by Chef Blodgett and cash bar.
Tickets are on sale now online at https://mountaintop.ludus.com/index.php or by calling the Gibson Center at 603-356-3231.

Thursday, June 8 • 5pm
Wentworth Inn
Dinner, dancing, entertainment, live auction, and games!
Tickets are now on sale for 2023! Please click HERE

Save the Date!
Alzheimers Walk
Oct 14 @ Great Glen
It’s not too early to register with the team, recruit more team members, and start your fundraising.
Register or donate: http://act.alz.org/goto/eaglesrest2023
To register please go to : Alzheimers Walk, Find and select register, follow the prompts, (you want to Join a team) search for Eagle’s Rest, Our team should come up and you can then Join.

To resume the tradition of hospitality after worship service, we are asking volunteers to host the next few weeks. Put out the snacks and beverages, set up the table, and offer a friendly presence as we socialize after church.
The church provides cold beverages and a few basic snacks such as popcorn, cookies and/or crackers and cheese. We also provide paper goods, coffee, etc. You’re welcome to supplement these offerings, or to use only what the church keeps on hand.
If you’re able to sign up for May 21, May 28, or June 4, please email the church: jcchurch@jacksoncommunitychurch.org.
We’ll put up an in-person signup option to cover hospitality schedule beyond these first few dates.

If you attend the worship service remotely, would you consider signing up to be a virtual deacon from time to time? Virtual deacons letpeople into the Zoom meeting, and help make sure anyone in Zoom who wantrs to pray is seen and heard.
Email the church if you’re able to volunteer as a virtual Zoom deacon: jcchurch@jacksoncommunitychurch.org

JCC Booth and Lemonade Stand @
Sat, June 24
Schouler Park
Setup: 8:30am
Festival: 10am – 4pm
Cleanup: 4-4:30pm
Volunteers needed for 2-hour shifts: Setup.10am-noon, noon-2pm, 2-4pm, cleanup.
- Email the church if you’re available to help for 1 or more shifts: jcchurch@jacksoncommunitychurch.org
Jackson Community Church is one of several sponsors for this event. We’re hosting a booth alongside Nativity Lutheran Church and the Way Station. We’ll offer lemonade, temporary tattoos, and loving support for our LGBTQIA+ community.
Volunteers are welcome to help at the JCC booth or the Way Station table.