weekend activities

FRI, OCT 15 – SUN, OCT 17

FRI, Oct 15

  • Community Resource: LIBRARY OPEN
    2-5pm • Jackson Library
    • Return to full hours of Tu&Th 10-7, W&F 2-5, Sa 10-2. We will continue to close on Sunday for the time being.
    • Masks and distance will be strictly required while in the building. If you’re unable to mask, you can still take advantage of our pickup or delivery service – simply let us know what you need.
    • One family at a time in the kids room.
    • Bathrooms and meeting room remain closed.
    • Contact the library for additional help: 603.383.9731 or by email: staff@jacksonlibrary.org
  • Community Event: JHOM HOUSING TASK FORCE
    10:30am •Virtual
    Rev Gail and members of housing task force participate.
    5pm • Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83028442916
    Or call on touch-tone phone:  929.436.2866, Meeting ID: 830 2844 2916
    Gather virtually to discuss scripture and explore art images associated with the text.
  • Community Event: SHABBAT SERVICE
    6pm • In-Person @ Bethlehem Hebrew Congregation Sanctuary & Via Zoom
    To join us on Zoom, please register here: bhcsynagogue1920@gmail.com
  • Community Events: MUSIC AROUND TOWN
    • Wildcat Tavern: Al Shafner • 6-9pm
    • Shannon Door: Bobby Sheehan • 6-9pm
    • Shovel Handle Pub: Randy Messineo • 6-9pm
    • Red Parka Pub: Riley Parkhurst Project • 8-11pm

SAT, Oct 16

    9am-Noon • Virtual
    Registration to attend is closed. Rev Gail served on planning committee for this event and its affiliated worship.
  • Community Volunteer Opportunity: WINDOW DRESSERS WINDOW INSERT ASSEMBLY (Tin Mountain program, benefits Way Station participants among others)
    Settlers Green, North Conway Sign Up link: https://signup.com/go/dzUfCVW (you will see the volunteer options, days, times and tasks)
    • If you have trouble using the Sign Up form or have any questions, please email Nora Dufilho at nbeem@tinmountain.org.  
    • Note: All build participants will be required to be masked during the build, regardless of vaccination status. We will be spacing work stations as much as possible and encourage build participants to sign up for shifts with household members.
    • The Tin Mountain Energy Team is working with the non-profit Window Dressers to build simple, tight, pine frame insulation frames for leaky windows to cut down heat loss in winter. 
    • We are looking for volunteers to help construct frames as well as help wrap and finish them at our community build in North Conway October 16-20. V
    • olunteers will be trained and do not need a specific skill set, although a familiarity with a power drill is helpful for frame construction. Tasks may include staple guns and blow dryers.
    • Sign Up link: https://signup.com/go/dzUfCVW (you will see the volunteer options, days, times and tasks)
    • This is a pilot program, and the first year of hosting a build in the valley, and we are excited to host this barn raising style community workshop.
    • Tin Mountain encourages folks to sign up for the frame assembly and insert wrapping station, but if you are interested in providing snacks, we appreciate any and all participation.
  • Community Event: Upper Saco Valley Land Trust – DUNDEE PAST & FUTURE WALK
    9am • Dundee Rd: Space is limited; reservations required. Please email info@usvlt.org to register.
    The Dundee Road history walk is back by popular demand. Board members Peter Benson and Anne Pillion will lead a walking tour of the Dundee Community Forest project area, which encompasses fields and forests that were once a thriving farming community. Explore its history, and forces both economic and environmental that brought transitions to the landscape. We’ll walk along Dundee Road from the location of the former Dame House to the Ham House with a little exploring in the woods, too, to find old cellar holes and stone walls. Space is limited; reservations required. Please email info@usvlt.org to register.
  • Community Resource: LIBRARY OPEN
    10am-2pm • Jackson Library
    • Return to full hours of Tu&Th 10-7, W&F 2-5, Sa 10-2. We will continue to close on Sunday for the time being.
    • Masks and distance will be strictly required while in the building. If you’re unable to mask, you can still take advantage of our pickup or delivery service – simply let us know what you need.
    • One family at a time in the kids room.
    • Bathrooms and meeting room remain closed.
    • Contact the library for additional help: 603.383.9731 or by email: staff@jacksonlibrary.org
  • Community Events: MUSIC AROUND TOWN
    • Wildcat Tavern: Jonathan Sarty • 6-9pm
    • Shannon Door: Jeremy Holden • 7-10pm
    • Red Parka Pub: Diana’s Bath Salts • 8-11pm

SUN, Oct 17

    8am • Pavilion & Zoom link required
    Poetry and conversation outside. Join us. Bring your own hot beverage on cold mornings!
    9am • Zoom link required
  • YOUTH PROGRAM – Baptism Theme
    9:15am • JCC / In-person
    10:30am •  In-person and/or Zoom link required
    • Join us for worship with music, scripture, prayer and reflection.
    • Live music by Alan Labrie
    • Message with Rev Gail Doktor
    • Remembrance for Judy Shuman by daughter Dawn Shuman
    • Outdoor reception (if weather and volunteer coordination permits)
    • In-person attendance requires social distancing, masking, masking is required for non-vaccinated individuals (additional precautions may be changed based on COVID stats and CDC guidelines).
    • Service will also be live-streamed to website and Facebook (if technology supports this function on the day of event). Afterward, recordings of worship service will be posted to FacebookVimeo.com channel & Youtube.com channel.
  • Community Volunteer Opportunity: WINDOW DRESSERS WINDOW INSERT ASSEMBLY (Tin Mountain program, benefits Way Station participants among others)
    Settlers Green, North Conway Sign Up link: https://signup.com/go/dzUfCVW (you will see the volunteer options, days, times and tasks)
    • If you have trouble using the Sign Up form or have any questions, please email Nora Dufilho at nbeem@tinmountain.org.  
    • Note: All build participants will be required to be masked during the build, regardless of vaccination status. We will be spacing work stations as much as possible and encourage build participants to sign up for shifts with household members.
    • The Tin Mountain Energy Team is working with the non-profit Window Dressers to build simple, tight, pine frame insulation frames for leaky windows to cut down heat loss in winter. 
    • We are looking for volunteers to help construct frames as well as help wrap and finish them at our community build in North Conway October 16-20. V
    • olunteers will be trained and do not need a specific skill set, although a familiarity with a power drill is helpful for frame construction. Tasks may include staple guns and blow dryers.
    • Sign Up link: https://signup.com/go/dzUfCVW (you will see the volunteer options, days, times and tasks)
    • This is a pilot program, and the first year of hosting a build in the valley, and we are excited to host this barn raising style community workshop.
    • Tin Mountain encourages folks to sign up for the frame assembly and insert wrapping station, but if you are interested in providing snacks, we appreciate any and all participation.
  • Community Event: TIN MOUNTAIN: Fantastic Fungi I Have Known and Loved
    11:45am • Space is limited and registration is required. Call 447-6991 or click here to register online.
    Currently full. You can call the Center (603-447-6991) to be placed on a wait list. Join mycologist Dr. Rick Van de Poll the field session follow up to his evening program, covering the fantastic (and infamous) fungi of New Hampshire. The guided walk on Sunday will infect the beginner and the practiced amateur with fun-filled facts about our most mysterious kingdom of organisms on the planet!
  • Community Events: MUSIC AROUND TOWN
    • Shannon Door: Bobby Sheehan &Jeremy Holden • 6-9pm
    • Shovel Handle Pub: Scott Baer  • 6-9pm
    • Red Parka Pub: Blue Sunday with Hambone • 5-8:30pm
  • UCC Event: NH United Church of Christ Conference: VIRTUAL STATEWIDE WORSHIP
    Available All Day • Links to be released over the weekend.
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