washing feet

Monday of Holy Week: After Palm Sunday and During Passover

Extravagance. Pleasure. Effusiveness. Exuberance. These aren’t ideas that we usually associate with Lent and the overture to Jesus’ passion. But Mary of Bethany understands differently. — Matt Skinner Have you ever seen or experienced someone physically caring for a loved one in preparation for that dying person’s death? — Edward F. Markquart *** Text: John 12:1-11 — Mary […]

HOLY WEEK with JCC: April 8-12 (Easter)

Do you need support of any kind? We have volunteers ready to assist with errands, access to emergency supplies, and Rev Gail is available for emotional and spiritual companionship. Email the church:  [email protected]. Wed, April 8 BREAKFAST with REV GAIL (via ZOOM)8am •  ZOOM LINK: zoom.us/j/170985789 (password required)Social gathering. Option: Call in via touch-tone phone: 929.436.2866, […]

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