Thich Nhat Hanh

Friday, November 6: Gratitude Reflection

As we enter the weekend, let us appreciate roads and trails. Such connectors offer another aspect of journeys. They inolve ‘places between’ that encompass the routes we travel.             On such pathways, transformation occurs. Our oldest recorded stories and most sacred texts narrate human migrations that celebrate adventures and experiences. On the trail, we cause […]

Reflections on knowing your heart – theme from Acts of the Apostles 11-15

Then love knew it was called love.And when I lifted my eyes to your name,suddenly your heart showed me my way.― Pablo Neruda May I live this dayCompassionate of heart,Clear of mind,Gracious in awarenessCourageous in thought,Generous in love.— John O’Donohue  Questions to consider: In what ways do you know you own heart? How have you […]

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