
Advent Daily Devotional: WEEK of JOY: Day 18- Wed, Dec 15

… for you have been my help,and in the shadow of your wings I sing for joy. — Psalm 63:7 The light of the eyes rejoices the heart,and good news refreshes the body. — Proverbs 15:30 ______________________________________ Light the three Advent candles. Last in the set of flames: joy flares.             In addition to developing […]

Wed, Nov 18 Gratitude Reflection

People are essential to our wellbeing. Isolation from human interactions contributes to people’s poor health: mental and physical. At the same time, while we notice some people, we often overlook others, who are integral to our daily living. Now’s the chance to look twice. Recognize someone who regularly shows up in your life, in ways […]

Meditations on anger, forgiveness & reconciliation.

“what the heart hears” Speak my name Meet me here I am not your enemy I am your teacher I may even be your friend Let us tell our truth together, you and I My name is anger: I say you have been wronged My name is shame: my story is your hidden pain My […]

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