rachel held evans

Tuesdays, 6:30pm INSPIRED Women’s Bible Study

Starts Tue, Aug 13, 6:30pmINSPIREDWomen’s Bible StudyNorth Conway Community CenterMulti-community bible study using Inspired: Slaying Giants, Walking on Water and Loving the Bible Again by Rachel Held Evans as a guide. Meets weekly. Facilitated by ministers Sue Davidson, Gail Doktor and Ruth Shaver. All welcome. RSVP if interested in participating, although drop-in’s will be welcome. A few copies of […]

Meditations on bearing each other’s burdens: themes from Galatians 6

Have you heard the phrase, “Share the load?” This week’s themes from Galatians reflect being in community by recognizing each other’s challenges and issues, and finding ways to work on them together. Link to scripture: Galatians 6: 1-10. — Rev Gail You live in me; I live in you. — Richard Rohr Questions to consider: […]

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