Passion Week

Holy Week

HOLY WEEK Items in purple are part of JCC’s Lenten offerings TUE-SAT (evening) WAY of the CROSS Ongoing • JCC Sanctuary Icons and stations of cross available for personal spiritual contemplation and journey THURS, Mar 28: MAUNDY THURSDAY 6pm • WORSHIP SERVICE with Washing of Feet Service hosted at Bartlett Congregational Church Co-sponsored by JCC […]

Holy Saturday Meditations

Spring — Mary Oliver And here is the serpent again.Dragging himself out from his nest of darkness,His cave under the black rocks,His winter-death.He loops around the bunches of rising grass,Looking for the sun. Well, who doesn’t want the sun after the long winter?I step aside,He feels the air with his soft tongue,Around the bones of his body […]

Lenten Reflection Day 45 (April 6): WILL NOT BREAK (Isaiah 42:1-9).

SONG: Kevin Rudolf ft Lil Wayne: I Will Not Break: POEM: Mark Kirschen: Monet (excerpt): Sunlight will not break us—Rather / We move illumined / Return daily…To save what has been hammered / By the sun / Most of it unmapped, still / Uncharted… QUOTE:  Bob Marley: …he will give you a part of […]

Sabbath II, 1988 — Wendell BerryIt is the destruction of the worldin our own livesthat drives us half insane, and more than half.To destroy that which we were givenin trust: how will we bear it?It is our own bodies that we giveto be broken,our bodies existing before and after usin clod and cloud, worm and […]

Lenten Reflection Day 41 (April 3): UPHOLD (Isaiah 42:1-9).

ONG: The Wynans: Uphold Me: POEM: Rebecca Hazelton: Vow (excerpt): …  When they looked at their options / it seemed there weren’t really that many / after all. They swore to uphold the bonds / and the principles … QUOTE:  Anne Frank, The Diary of a Young Girl: People who have a religion should […]

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