N.T. Wright

Reflections on Pentecost: breath, wind, and new beginnings

Breath means new life — and new life means new growth, change, and ongoing development. The Spirit protects and connects, but also challenges, provoking and pushing us along. — SALT Project You are called to be truly human, but it is nothing short of the life of God within you that enables you to be […]

Reflections & science of salt as sacred & essential element and as an image for spiritual practice: themes from Taste & See series.

Music about Salt of the Earth: Salt of the Earth by The Rolling Stones with video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOiLH-2hTPQ Salt and Light (Gospel song) by Rebekah Wolf video with words: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPq8NUR5kJ0 Salt and Light (Gospel song) by Lauren Daigle video with words: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFyavoFYOxg Questions to consider: Who in your life do you consider to be ‘salt […]

Reflections on Pentecost: Breaking Open, Many Gifts

Tortoise Shout (excerpt) — DH Lawrence Torn, to become whole again, after long seeking for what is lost, The same cry from the tortoise as from Christ, the Osiris-cry of abandonment, That which is whole, torn asunder, That which is in part, finding its whole again throughout the universe. O Me! O Life! — Walt […]

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