
HOPE Daily Devotional: Dec 6

Cultivate hope each day this week. December  6: Hope in Action Scripture: Micah 6:8 — He has told you, O mortal, what is good, and what does the Lord require of you, but to do justice and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God? Meditation: Hope comes from having the belief we […]

MON, FEB 28th – SUN, MAR 6th: First Week of Lent

MON, Feb 28 Community Resource: BLACK MOUNTAINDownhill ski events & conditions: Community Resource: JACKSON SKI TOURINGInfo and Trail report: PROTESTANT CHAPEL ASSOC / PCA Annual Mtg4pm • Zoom link & password required. MARDI GRAS MUSIC w/ DeMarco Alvarez6:30pm • JCC Parish HouseLive music with pianist DeMarco Alvarez. Come dance in your bling! Beads, […]

Lenten Devotional – Fri, May 12: MERCIFUL

Now the Beatitudes take a turn. Who are the merciful? They would seem to have some power. Some agency. Some choice. What is mercy anyway? John Stott says, ‘Mercy is compassion for people in need.’ Another scholar substituted the word kind in lieu of merciful. The Message’s contemporary wording of the Gospel reframes this Beatitude […]

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