
Lenten Reflection Day 5 (Feb 26): MERCIFUL (from Joel 2:12-17).

SONG: Mercy by Shawn Mendes: QUOTE: Maya Angelou: Without courage we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We can’t be kind, true, merciful, generous, or honest. POEM: Jose Antonio Rodriguez: Mercy (excerpt)  … if you find me hereErecting the same elements With these meager tools, Wanting even now to give them life, That […]

Lenten Devotion – Sat, Mar 13: MERCY

Reciprocity is once more at the heart of this blessing. We are the people who have witnessed and responded to others’ pain, hurt, and suffering. In turn, we are the ones who need — and hopefully receive — compassion and kindness. It’s easier to be on the giving end of this blessing, than on the […]

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