Leo Tolstoy

Lenten Reflection Day 36 (Mar 29): HERE I AM (Psalm 40:5-10).

SONG: Here I Am by Air Supply: https://youtu.be/B6rXBLRo_GU POEM:Rumi: Here I Am (excerpt):  … In the silence surrounding every call of ‘Allah’Waits a thousand replies of ‘Here I am.’ QUOTE: Leo Tolstoy: Here I am alive, and it’s not my fault, so I have to try and get by as best I can without hurting […]

Reflections on knowing your heart – theme from Acts of the Apostles 11-15

Then love knew it was called love.And when I lifted my eyes to your name,suddenly your heart showed me my way.― Pablo Neruda May I live this dayCompassionate of heart,Clear of mind,Gracious in awarenessCourageous in thought,Generous in love.— John O’Donohue  Questions to consider: In what ways do you know you own heart? How have you […]

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