John O’Donohue

Meditations on loving God, neighbor & self: themes from Mark

How do you place God — holy healing Love — first? How do you care for yourself? How do you care for your neighbor? How do you love the home — creation — in which you and your neighbor abide? How do you love the un-loveable? What are the edges of how and who you […]

Story: Dancing Before God

Meditations on dancing in the presence of holiness, themes from 2 Samuel. This dance is spontaneous creation, a jazz … skillful relationship to change … effortless presence in action. We cannot change the nature of change, but we can choose the way we relate to it. — Dancing Freedom dancers, Dharma Dance

This Week: Tue, May 15- Tue, May 22

This Week at Jackson Community Church Highlights: Wed 5/15 fitness & council meeting, Thurs 5/16 yoga, Fri 5/18 faith & fun pizza and games night, Sun 5/20 worship with guest preacher Robert Azzi and potluck lunch with Pojen Lee, Tue 5/22 women’s group and wisdom study group

Reflections on rebirth, renewal & resurrection

Themes from holy week … what part of you must die, or be let go, to make space for that part that seeks rebirth, renewal, and resurrection? In what ways do you strive to be re-connected or given a second chance? For a New Beginning — John O’Donohue In out-of-the-way places of the heart, Where […]

Reflections on the theme of transfiguration from Mark 9

We consider a story of transformation from Mark 9, echoing stories of Moses and Elijah and Daniel, wherein we glimpse a transcendence that changes everything. What do you want to change in your life? In this world? What is powerful enough to initiate transformation within you?

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