
March 2, 2022

ASHES-to-GO Receive ashes and a blessing. 8-10am: J-Town Deil 10:15-11:30am: Autumn Nomad Noon-1:30pm: Glen Ledge Deli McSheffreys North 2-3:45pm: JCC sanctuary 4-6pm: Shannon Door ASH WEDNESDAY WORSHIP  7pm @ Jackson Community Church Begin the Lenten journey. Zoom & in-person Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/142985761?pwd=T214WDhHRmxoYXE0dWRCNk53SFppQT09 Or call on touch-tone phone: 929.436.2866,Meeting ID: 142985761, Password: 603603

THIS WEEK at Jackson Community Church and Around Town: MON, Mar 11 – SUN, Mar 17

MON, Mar 11 EDUCATION TEAM MEETING Meeting with church and local community leaders to work on educational opportunities for faith formation schedule, family engagement activities, camps, preschool programs, scholarships, volunteer activities, etc. SCOUT PACK 321 Scout meeting at church including community service and work on ‘pew holders’ for sanctuary. RELIGION, CONFLICT & PEACE Harvard Online […]

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