Henri Nouwen

Lenten Reflection Day 40 (April 2): CHOSEN (Isaiah 42:1-9).

SONG: Rytikal: Chosen: https://youtu.be/thNWIM5Oe6w POEM: Uche Nduka: Untitled [When Shall Your Wounds] (excerpt): …  daily your kingdom squeaks / and leaps to the starlight / it wants all of you / you of all and the music … you are the one the music / has chosen and whom strings call / twilight moans behind […]

Meditations on hope and resilience for the first Sunday of Advent

Hope begins in the dark … the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. You don’t give up. — Anne Lamott You do not need to know precisely what is happening, or exactly where it is all going. What you need is to […]

Reflections on Pentecost: breath, wind, and new beginnings

Breath means new life — and new life means new growth, change, and ongoing development. The Spirit protects and connects, but also challenges, provoking and pushing us along. — SALT Project You are called to be truly human, but it is nothing short of the life of God within you that enables you to be […]

Daily Advent Devotional: Day 20 – Fri, Dec 18

Gratitude is the birthplace of joy. Or vice versa.            Appreciation and perspective enable you to embrace whatever comes. To find resilience in hard times. To opt for creative responses to challenging circumstances. To be curious rather than angry. It cultivates compassion and connection. Gratitude permits your starting point to be one of acceptance and adaptation, […]

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