
Reflections on starting journeys: themes from baptismal scripture

If you can’t fly, then run,if you can’t run, then walk,if you can’t walk, then crawl,but by all means keep moving.– Martin Luther King Jr. BELOVED IS WHERE WE BEGIN  — Jan Richardson If you would enter / into the wilderness,do not begin / without a blessing. Do not leavewithout hearing / who you are:Beloved, named […]

Daily Advent Devotional (Day 26)

Wednesday, Dec 23 – DAY 26 As we draw closer to the celebration of holy love’s arrival within our lives, as honored on Christmas Day, we may reflect on how our human experience of love has already shaped us. Who in our early lives offered us models of love? What forms did that love take? […]

Reflections on boldness, mercy & grace: themes from Hebrews 4

How will you come boldly into the presence of God, of Love? What does it mean, for you, to trust that you will receive the help you require, if not the help you desire, even if you cannot possibly merit it? Have you ever felt such a moment, being utterly loved and supported? Have you […]

Meditations on Psalm 23 & 1 John 1:7 – Walking in the light

Blessing the Way — Jan Richardson With every step you take this blessing rises up to meet you. It has been waiting long ages for you. Look close and you can see the layers of it, how it has been fashioned by those who walked this road before you how it has been created of […]

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