faith formation

Fri, Feb 24 @ 5pm

5pm • ZOOM Link and password required. Option: Bring your adult beverage and your curiosity for a conversation about our sacred texts. For more information about this study series: Podcast from BibleProject about the Lord’s Prayer: The text is provided below Matthew 6:13 (NRSVUE)And do not bring us to the time of trial,[b] but […]

Spring Youth & Family Program

FAMILY FUN NIGHTS: Fridays, May 3 & June 16-8pm Pizza, games and connection for families. Please RSVP to Rev Gail if you plan to attend these evenings. SUNDAY SCHOOLDuring 10:30am worship • Sun, May 5 Attend worship in church and then go to class. Please RSVP to Rev Gail if you plan to attend. YOUTH & FAMILY SUNDAY PROGRAM9-10:15am […]

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