daily devotional

Lenten Reflection Day 35 (Mar 28): SACRIFICE (Psalm 40:5-10).

SONG: Sacrifice by Elton John: https://youtu.be/NrLkTZrPZA4 POEM:Muriel Rukeyser: The Book of the Dead: The Dam (excerpt):  … All power is saved, having no end.  Rises / in the green season, in the sudden season / the white the budded /  and the lost… learning its power, conquering boundaries, able to rise blind in revolts of […]

Lenten Reflection Day 34 (Mar 27): DEED (Psalm 40:5-10).

SONG: Deed I Do by Ella Fitzgerald: https://youtu.be/Vj4gbky1QCU POEM: Heid Erdrich: The Theft Outright (excerpt):  … Such as we were we gave most things outright (the deed of the theft was many deeds and leases and claim stakes / and tenure disputes and moved plat markers stolen still today . . .) We were the […]

Lenten Reflection Day 33 (Mar 26): MULTIPLIED (Psalm 40:5-10).

Multiplied by Needtobreathe: https://youtu.be/0Gjx-ZQuQ_Y SONG: Multiply by Jamie Liddell: https://youtu.be/fkqIsSTWSsc   POEM: Richard Michelson: More Money Than God (excerpt):  … who has traced / the provenance, and picks up the pace, multiplying offers. And who now does my father’s bidding? Heaven’s coffers, perhaps, are for the destitute … SECOND POEM: Jane Hirshfield: Like two negative […]

Lenten Reflection Day 32 (Mar 25): FOLLOW ME (Psalm 23).

SONG: Follow Me by Uncle Kracker POEM: Reina Maria Rodriguez: Memory of Water (excerpt):  … whatever one does the others all follow, watching from the corners of their eyes … QUOTE: Albert Camus: Don’t walk in front of me… I may not follow. Don’t walk behind me… I may not lead. Walk beside me… just […]

Lenten Reflection Day 31 (Mar 24): OVERFLOW (Psalm 23).

SONG: Living in the Overflow ft. Charity Gayle and Joshua Sherman:  hhttps://youtu.be/lmAfEI-Ibgc POEM: Catherine Bowman: Story of a Tree (excerpt):  All around us the underground world overflows with love. Season after season you return, sap rising up from your roots, unfinished, always becoming. I defended against love / for as long as I could / […]

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