daily devotional

Daily Advent Devotional: Day 21 – Sat, Dec 19

Joy may be encouraged and reinforced by your choice of environments. Opt to connect with nature. Or to change perspectives by going somewhere other than your usual setting.            How you set the stage for where you work and play permits you to access joy. Being in places that minimize interruptions and offer immediate inspiration may […]

Daily Advent Devotional: Day 20 – Fri, Dec 18

Gratitude is the birthplace of joy. Or vice versa.            Appreciation and perspective enable you to embrace whatever comes. To find resilience in hard times. To opt for creative responses to challenging circumstances. To be curious rather than angry. It cultivates compassion and connection. Gratitude permits your starting point to be one of acceptance and adaptation, […]

Advent Daily Devotion: Day 16 – Mon, Dec 14

Joy relies on the connection between body, mind and spirit (heart). One simple practice is to smile. Develop the habit just as you learn how to breathe more deeply or train for athletic pursuits.            When we use our facial muscles, our brains cue the body with the chemistry of the emotion we’re expressing. Smile. It […]

Advent Daily Devotional: Day 14

Sat, Dec 12 – DAY 14 World peace has other connotations. It can mean harmonious, responsible connection with Creation. It may apply to how we engage the natural world in which we live.             Do we actively tend to the needs of the environment in which we live? Do we find out what is out […]

Advent Daily Devotional: Day 13

Fri, Dec 11 – DAY 13 Avoiding conflict does not bring peace. Instead it suppresses issues that require attention and change. Peace, rather than sidestepping controversy, looks into the eyes of what must be faced. Requires awareness and willingness to learn. Welcomes differences as a place of growth and change. Names forgotten or hidden issues, […]

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