bob dylan

Meditations following Easter Sunday with themes about the Tree of Life

TREE of LIFE MEDITATIONS The tree of life is growing where the spirit never dies, and the bright light of salvation shines in dark and empty skies. — Bob Dylan I see a time of Seven Generations when all the colors of mankind will gather under the Sacred Tree of Life and the whole earth […]

Reflections on ravens: curiosity, creativity, and cultural messenger.

Songs about blackbirds and ravens (note: these are different species): Blackbird by The Beatles (rock)Blackbird Song by Lee DeWyze (ballad/blues)Raven Song by Elephant Revival (folk)Blackbird by Nina Simone (blues)The Raven by Alan Parsons Project (electronic rock pop based on Edgar Alan Poe’s work)Hear Me O God, Nor Hide Thy Face (Christian choral music)How Many Are Your Works (Christian hymn) — How sweetly did […]

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