Blaise Pascal

Reflections on knowing your heart – theme from Acts of the Apostles 11-15

Then love knew it was called love.And when I lifted my eyes to your name,suddenly your heart showed me my way.― Pablo Neruda May I live this dayCompassionate of heart,Clear of mind,Gracious in awarenessCourageous in thought,Generous in love.— John O’Donohue  Questions to consider: In what ways do you know you own heart? How have you […]

Reflections on humor & doubt, themes from John 20

What is the role of doubt and questioning in our spiritual lives? With whom do we keep company … some of the great matriarchs and patriarchs doubted. And then laughed. And hoped. Humor shines a light into dark places, becomes a wind sweeping through our souls. (Reflecting on themes of humor and doubt from the […]

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