
Reflections on starting journeys: themes from baptismal scripture

If you can’t fly, then run,if you can’t run, then walk,if you can’t walk, then crawl,but by all means keep moving.– Martin Luther King Jr. BELOVED IS WHERE WE BEGIN  — Jan Richardson If you would enter / into the wilderness,do not begin / without a blessing. Do not leavewithout hearing / who you are:Beloved, named […]

UKAMA Sunday Service & Greetings from Zimbabwe

Abbreviated greetings from Chikanga Church, Mutare, Zimbabwe Full greetings and project update from Chikanga Church, Mutare, Zimbabwe Music from Chikanga Church (from prior holiday) Chikanga Church Music 2 (from prior holiday) Blessing Zimbabwe Musical Video Worship Service with UKAMA and Living Waters Focus Reflection/Sermon on Wells & Rivers: Living Waters Greetings from JCC Council to […]

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