
Ahava / Love as reflected in Jewish prayer known as Shema

There is no remedy for love but to love more.—Henry David Thoreau The first two of these commandments —love for God and love for our fellow humans —are actualized through mitzvot, a system that shapes idealsinto behavior and is deepened through communal norms.— Joanna Samuels Love God. Love God with everything you are: heart, mind, […]

Advent Daily Devotional: Day 22 – Week of Love

Sunday, Dec 20 – DAY 22 Love glows bright as the focus of this week’s reflections. As we light our candles, we prepare to welcome holy love into our homes and lives.            Can you imagine a love more determined than the one that chooses to show up in our messy and imperfect world? To be […]

Reflections on covenants made with love, themes from 1 Corinthians 13.

This week we celebrate the renewal of Ray & Arden’s Wedding Vows during the year of their 60th anniversary: such vows are bound as a covenant made in the sight and presence of holy love (agape). This is our great covenant: To dwell together in peace,To seek the truth in love, And to help one […]

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