
This Week: Sept 2-Sept 9

This Week at Jackson Community Church and Around Town This week @ JCC: Mon-Fri: Star Island retreat, Wed: Fitness tune-up with Laurie McAleer, Thurs: Yoga with Anjali Rose, Sun: Gazebo led by Sandi & Eileen & Denise and trad’l worship with favorite songs & scripture with guest soloist Kevin O’Neill and start-up of church choir […]

UPCOMING OPPORTUNITIES for Youth & Families at Jackson Community Church

(See end of posting for summer intensives and international internships for youth & young adults. Fast-approaching deadlines [March 15, April, etc] for registration and applications or scholarships for some of these opportunities.) HOLY WEEK (Mar 25-Apr 1) EVENTS (separate post) THURSDAYS, Mar 15 & Mar 22 Soup & Ski with Family & Friends 5pm • […]

Reflections on idols & advocacy: Moses standing in the breach

In Exodus, Moses stood between Israel and G-d, when his people lost hope & trust and made an golden calf idol and G-d threatened to destroy them; Moses defended them and even made demands of G-d. Who do you identify with in this story? For whom will each of us speak? And what will we […]

Reflections on water & respite in hard times and places

As one commentator says, “there are many kinds of thirst.” Where do we find respite and rescue in the midst of dry, hard, troubled times? What are the wastelands of our lives? Where do signs of life surprise us in our personal and communal “desert places”? You should not see the desert simply as some […]

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