March 23 Daily Devotional


Lenten devotionals for March and April. We will focus on a different concept each day of the week: Sundays: Resting/Taking Sabbath Mondays: Fasting Tuesdays: Giving Wednesdays: Serving Thursdays: Praying Fridays: Studying/Learning Saturdays: Celebrating/Playing.

March 23 (Sunday – Resting/Taking Sabbath)

  • Scripture: Exodus 31:17 — It is a sign for ever between me and the people of Israel that in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed.
  • Reflection: God rested on the seventh day, creating a rhythm of rest for us. God then made it a guideline for how people may live a sustainable and balanced life. Embrace this gift and let it refresh you.
  • Spiritual Practice Prompt: Spend your Sabbath (whether it’s a Sunday or another day of the week that you set aside) connecting with God through nature or reflection.


Sabbath is an opportunity to liberate ourselves from the burdens of work and spend time with God. – Wayne Muller
March 23 Daily Devotional
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