March 20th Lenten Devotional


Lenten devotionals for March and April. We will focus on a different concept each day of the week: Sundays: Resting/Taking Sabbath Mondays: Fasting Tuesdays: Giving Wednesdays: Serving Thursdays: Praying Fridays: Studying/Learning Saturdays: Celebrating/Playing.

Second Week: Repentance and Renewal

March 20 (Thursday – Praying)

  • Scripture: Matthew 6:9 — This, then, is how you should pray.
  • Reflection: This text introduces the Lord’s prayer, and also reminds us that Jesus showed us many ways to pray. And we can learn other forms of prayer, too.
    We can use core prayers that we have been taught, which come to mind easily, and settle us into familiar rhythms , such as the Lord’s Prayer. This can help to calm and center us. In times of stress or crisis, a familiar prayer can be a touchstone of comfort that helps us connect to faith. Communal prayers such as this one can also bring a community together when they join in praying it in unison, out loud, together.
    We can pray our own personal prayers, aloud or silently, using our own words to address our specific situations, in order to express gratitude, awe, and the need for help. We can sit and be silent. We can move, walking or dancing, to pray. We can speak aloud. We can write out or sing a prayer. We can engage in contemplative practices, everything from knitting or washing dishes or working in the garden to tending another person or cooking a meal or driving the car, and make it a form or prayer by our intention and focus. We can remove ourselves and be alone or join in communal prayer. We can pray for others or ask for what we need ourselves as well.
  • Spiritual Practice Prompt: Find time to pray today. Use the Lord’s Prayer if you need a starting point.

Text EditorSONG:

When I am with you, everything is prayer. — Rumi

March 20th Lenten Devotional
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