March 19th Lenten Devotional


Lenten devotionals for March and April. We will focus on a different concept each day of the week: Sundays: Resting/Taking Sabbath Mondays: Fasting Tuesdays: Giving Wednesdays: Serving Thursdays: Praying Fridays: Studying/Learning Saturdays: Celebrating/Playing.

Second Week: Repentance and Renewal

March 19 (Wednesday – Serving)

  • Scripture: Mark 10:45 z  — For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.
  • Reflection: We can engage our community through the model of servant leadership.  We can guide, or be guided by others, from the side or in the background. Such leadership allows the diverse gifts and talents within our community to shine in their different ways and to meet different needs. By stepping back and making space for different people to participate in our efforts to volunteer and serve people and make a difference, we allow teams and groups to gain strength and resilience and depth of skill and capability. We are reminded that we don’t aid or support each other alone. We work together to make a difference.
  • Spiritual Practice Prompt: Reflect on one time this past week when you were helped by someone else, or when you had a chance to aid another person. Was it an impromptu moment or were you part of a collaborative, organized response during this experience?

  • The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” – Mahatma Gandhi
March 19th Lenten Devotional
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