Jan 18 Daily Devotional

Daily Devotional
Cultivate trust for God’s plans each day this week.

January 18: Mindfulness

  • Scripture: Matthew 6:34 —  So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today’s trouble is enough for today.
  • Reflection: We return to the concept of mindfulness. Even if you are planning for the future, it requires on step at a time. And if you spend so much time looking back into the past, or being anxious about what comes next, you miss the here and now. You erase yourself from the experienced of living.
    Instead, focus on the present. And commit to being present. Show up. Listen. Pay attention. Connect.
  • Prompt: Practice mindfulness today – stop and breathe, focusing on the blessings of the present moment.
    Alternately: Use an app such as Calm to remind you to pause. Or use the Buddhist Plum Village practice of pausing whenever you hear a common sound, such as a bell ringing, to stop, breathe, and notice what’s going on around you.


“I have arrived, I am home” means: I don’t want to run anymore. I’ve been running all my life, and I’ve arrived nowhere. Now I want to stop. My destination is the here and now, the only time and place where true life is possible. — Thich Nhat Hanh
Jan 18 Daily Devotional
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