Grief & Loss Group: Wednesdays twice per month @ 1pm in Old Red Library, Jackson

The Jackson-Bartlett Grief Group continues to meet twice per month. Its next gathering is Wed, July 12 @ 1pm at the Old Red Library. In person only.

The dates for upcoming meetings follow: July 12, July 26, Aug 9, Aug 23, Sept 13, Sept 27. 

The group is facilitated by Rev Gail Doktor, a bereaved parent, trained as a hospice chaplain. Currently, the grief group is supporting a complicated mix of losses. Some people are grieving spouses and partners. Others are grieving children. All forms of such loss of human relationships, through death, are acknowledge and addressed. 
This group is free, and open to the community. Everyone is welcome, participants may not be able to attend each session, but we’ll meet as consistently as possible. Feel free to pass along this info to anyone whom you know, who might need such a support network. We’re operating word of mouth and enews only. 
Questions should be directed by text or voicemail to Rev Gail’s cell (available by emailing the church: [email protected]). I continue to suggest that people bring books or resources they find helpful, and/or share by email such recommendations. Thank you! — Rev Gail Doktor
Other Resources:
Also, I am repeating the info about the virtual bereavement group that is ongoing in the valley via zoom. It is facilitated by Sue Davidson, retired nurse and retired pastor of Center Conway’s United Methodist Church and currently the VNA’a hospice chaplain. This ‘living with loss’ group is free, but you need to obtain info through the VNA. 
  • WHEN: Wednesdays, 5:30pm to 6:30pm
  • WHERE: Groups meet via Zoom. To get your Zoom log in information or to confirm group dates and times, please contact VNHCH at (603) 356-7006 or (800) 499-4171.
  • MORE INFORMATION: Facilitator: Sue Davidson, Contact: VNHCH Office at 603-356-7006 or 800-499-4171NO REGISTRATION IS NECESSARY. FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.
Grief & Loss Group: Wednesdays twice per month @ 1pm in Old Red Library, Jackson
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