Daily Devotional
- Scripture: Matthew 18:15 – If your brother or sister sins against you, go and point out the fault when the two of you are alone. If you are listened to, you have regained that one.
- Reflection: How do you handle conflict in your life? Can you address it and talk it out? What are your coping tools? Consider the importance of resolving conflicts with love, grace, and understanding.
More than ever, in our times, the capacity to understand that conflict is an opportunity for growth and change is imperative. Conflict doesn’t mean we’re broken. Conflict means change is taking place and new things are possible. - Spiritual Practice Prompt: Reach out to someone with whom you have unresolved tension and take a step toward reconciliation. Begin with prayer, if that’s the first and only thing you can do.
- Let It Go by James Bay: https://youtu.be/GsPq9mzFNGY?si=azD8WAMmcem3cJPX
As a teenager, I longed to see the face of Christ with my own eyes. I spent many, many hours in prayer and meditation, desperate to catch a glimpse of my beloved God. That longing has changed. For I have seen the face of the crucified Christ, over and over again, for decades. I saw Christ when Cheri was choked with tears in the SafeSpace kitchen. I saw Christ when Ali sat with me in sorrow at the subway station, and when I looked into the stunned, grief-stricken eyes of KJ, Rashon, and so many other young people as they told me how it felt to be abandoned by family and sleep in the streets.
For the better part of my life, I have looked upon the broken Christ, the Christ of the persecuted, the Christ bound to us in our desolation. Now my deepest yearning is to see the healing of their wounds, the binding up of what was broken, the wiping away of every tear, the “making all things well.” — Carl Siciliano