Fri, JAN 31
- Community Event: ZUMBA with Dottie
8:15am • Whitney Community Center- Fee per class
- FITNESS CLASS with Laurie McAleer
9:30am • Jackson Community Church- Free to all participants.
- Gentle, chair-based stretch and fitness for all levels of ability
- Community Event: LINE DANCING with Dottie
9:15am • Whitney Community Center- Fee per class
- Community Resource: LIBRARIES
2-5pm • Jackson Library (more info: - Community Event: FRIDAY SLIDERS & GLIDERS1- 4pm • Jackson XC Ski Center
- Casual Guided Group Ski Outings
- Ready to Ski at 1 pm
- Social Hour starts at 3 pm
- $65/season; 10% discount with season pass.
- Season Pass or Day Ticket required.
Noon (start)-Jan 31 – Noon (finish)- Feb 2 • Great Glen Trails- Jackson Chamber of Commerce event begins on Friday, January 31, at noon with teams from all over the Northeastern part of the United States. The team will sculpt throughout the weekend and finish at noon on Sunday, February 2, 2025.
- Spectators are welcome to view the entire process but are urged to return on Sunday for the finished displays!
- See firsthand how our sculptors take 8-foot high by 4-foot round cylinders of compacted snow and create incredible art frozen in time. This year we expect at least 12 Teams with 4 NH Sanctioned Teams.
- Sculpting pieces usually remain available for viewing for at least a week after the event giving visitors ample time to get coveted photos. Please be aware that weather is a factor and we can not guarantee how long the snow sculptures will remain. The sculptures will be lit at night for an entirely different perspective.
- Bring the kids!
- There will be scavenger hunts for the kids, and other exciting things to do.
- Admission for viewing is free but donations are welcome.
- Please note that cross country ski passes, snow coach rides, tubing and other exciting outdoor activities offered by Great Glen Trails and the Mt. Washington Auto Road sold separately.
10am (start • Jan 31-Feb 2 • Jackson XC- We are excited to announce the first edition of Last Nordic Skier Standing, presented by Fischer Sports, that will be hosted by WMSC and Jackson Ski Touring right in our back yard. Please find all preliminary information below.
- Location: Jackson XC Nordic Center Parking Lot
- Participants: 100
- Entry Fee: $150
- TENTATIVE Course: Ellis / Troll, conditions dependent ~5.75mi, warm-up 1k lap to start each lap. We will evaluate what the proper course length should be as we approach the event date. The goal is to have the lap take 50 minutes for the average skier, allowing plenty of interloopal time for self-care.
- The concept is simple, participants must complete one lap on the course within an hour. They can’t start the next lap until the next hour and the event is over when there’s only one person left.
- We’ll also have a Nordic Beer Mile presented by Best Day Brewing and Lawson’s Finest at noon on Feb 1st.
- Community Event: MAJESTIC CAFE FRIDAY NIGHT JAZZ: Al Hospers with Jarrod Taylor & Craig Bryan
7pm • Majestic Cafe, Conway- Walk-ins are always welcome, but space is limited; reservations are available to guarantee your seat and to indicate a seating choice.
- The Friday Night jazz series has a $10 per person cover charge.
- Doors at 6 pm; music at 7pm.
- Come in early and grab a panini before the music starts
- Info and tickets::
- Community Event: FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS @ Black Mtn
5:30-7pm • Black Mountain- Join us for a self-guided and iluminated uphill ski-tour to the Alpine Cabin (aka Lostbo Cabin) where you’ll find drinks, live music, and great company. Participants can ski down at their leisure up until the last call at 7:30 pm. This event is family-friendly and we recommend brinigng a headlamp!
- Cost: $20 for Passholders / $40 for Non Passholders
- Check in at Guest Services to purchase your ticket.
- Next weekend returns: FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS @ Jackson XC (returns next weekend)
6pm-7pm (race) • Jackson XC - Community Event: WINTER ASTRONOMY FIELD PROGRAM
6pm • TIn Mountain Conservation Center- The winter sky will be prime for viewing Jupiter and its 4 moons. The viewing party will focus on Jupiter and the path of the planets through the Zodiac. All the major constellations will also be pointed out as well. Be sure to dress for the weather!
- Community MUSIC & ENTERTAINMENT around town:
- Wildcat Tavern: Al Shafner • 7-9pm
- Red Parka: Diana’s Bath Salts • 8-11pm
- Shannon Door: Marty Quirk • 6-9pm
- Ledge Brewing: Food for Bears • 7:45pm
- Shovel Handle: Shot of JD • 6-9pm
- Black Mountain Base Lodge: Live Music • 2:30-9:30pm
Sat, FEB 1
- Community Event: WINTER WANDER @ Tin Mtn10-11:30 am • Tin Mountain Conservation Ctr, Albany
- Wander Tin Mountain’s Albany property on a guided tour and see what winter has in store! Interesting animal tracks, our resident birds, beautiful conifers, Chase Pond and unexpected sites await us. The terrain is variable, and so is the weather, so dress for the day and (depending on the snow conditions) wear snowshoes or boot traction devices. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
- We have all snowshoe sizes available for use; they are free for members and $15pp for non-members (so consider becoming a member).
- Walk-ins welcome
- Register:
- Community Event: MAJESTIC CAFE: BluGrit Blues Band
7pm • Majestic Cafe, Conway- Walk-ins are always welcome, but space is limited; reservations are available to guarantee your seat and to indicate a seating choice.
- $5 per person cover charge.
- Doors at 6 pm; music at 7pm.
- Come in early and grab a panini before the music starts
- Info and tickets::
Jan 31-Feb 2 • Jackson XC- We are excited to announce the first edition of Last Nordic Skier Standing, presented by Fischer Sports, that will be hosted by WMSC and Jackson Ski Touring right in our back yard. Please find all preliminary information below.
- Location: Jackson XC Nordic Center Parking Lot
- Participants: 100
- Entry Fee: $150
- TENTATIVE Course: Ellis / Troll, conditions dependent ~5.75mi, warm-up 1k lap to start each lap. We will evaluate what the proper course length should be as we approach the event date. The goal is to have the lap take 50 minutes for the average skier, allowing plenty of interloopal time for self-care.
- The concept is simple, participants must complete one lap on the course within an hour. They can’t start the next lap until the next hour and the event is over when there’s only one person left.
- We’ll also have a Nordic Beer Mile presented by Best Day Brewing and Lawson’s Finest at noon on Feb 1st.
Noon (start)-Jan 31 – Noon (finish)- Feb 2 • Great Glen Trails- Jackson Chamber of Commerce event begins on Friday, January 31, at noon with teams from all over the Northeastern part of the United States. The team will sculpt throughout the weekend and finish at noon on Sunday, February 2, 2025.
- Spectators are welcome to view the entire process but are urged to return on Sunday for the finished displays!
- See firsthand how our sculptors take 8-foot high by 4-foot round cylinders of compacted snow and create incredible art frozen in time. This year we expect at least 12 Teams with 4 NH Sanctioned Teams.
- Sculpting pieces usually remain available for viewing for at least a week after the event giving visitors ample time to get coveted photos. Please be aware that weather is a factor and we can not guarantee how long the snow sculptures will remain. The sculptures will be lit at night for an entirely different perspective.
- Bring the kids!
- There will be scavenger hunts for the kids, and other exciting things to do.
- Admission for viewing is free but donations are welcome.
- Please note that cross country ski passes, snow coach rides, tubing and other exciting outdoor activities offered by Great Glen Trails and the Mt. Washington Auto Road sold separately.
- Community Resource: LIBRARIES
- 10am-2pm • Jackson Library
Contact the library for additional help: 603.383.9731 or by email: [email protected] - 11am-3pm • Bartlett Library
More info:
- 10am-2pm • Jackson Library
- Community Event: OPEN HOURS @ Jackson Historical Society
9am-3pm • Jackson Historical Society- Also open by appointment.
More info:
- Also open by appointment.
- Community MUSIC & ENTERTAINMENT around town:
- Shannon Door: Apres Ski w/ Marty Quirk • 4-6pm / Dan Parkhurst & Rafe • 6-9pm
- Red Parka: Blue Matter • 8-11pm
- Wildcat Tavern: Jonathan Sarty • 7-9pm
- Ledge Brewing: Shark Martin • 6-9pm
- Shovel Handle Pub: Don Pride• 6-9pm
- Black Mountain Base Lodge: Live Music • 2:30-6pm
Sun, FEB 2
8am • Old Red Library next to JCC - WORSHIP (in-person & livestream) with Communion
Bread next to Glass of Wine 10:30am • JCC
- Music by Sharon Novak
- Message by Rev Gail Doktor
- Focus on parables of Jesus
11:30am • JCC Parish Hall
- Community Event: OLD TOWN HALL: History on the Move (Whitney Center & Historical Society Presentation)
re Plans to relocate former Town Hall / current Historical Society bldg
4pm • Whitney Community Center- More info:
- Jackson residents and interested neighbors to attend an informative program at the Whitney Center. The session will focus on the Society’s plans to Rescue, Renovate, and Restore the Town Hall.
- The event will commence with a short film about the Society. Landscape architects Cristina Campa and Nick Aceto will discuss the chosen relocation site for the building and the rationale behind this decision. Stephen Weeder of Tamarack Construction will discuss the necessary restoration and renovation work required in addition to relocating the building. Leslie Schomaker, president of the Society, will provide an update on fundraising efforts.
- The Society needs to raise at least $250,000 more in funding to finalize the project. Donations can be sent to PO Box 8, Jackson, NH 03846, or made by credit card by visiting and selecting the capital campaign tab.
- Community Event: MUSIC for RENEWAL with Ellen Schwindt & Musicians
3pm • Fryeburg New Church, 12 Oxford St, Frybeurg,- Community musicians share classical chamber music.
- Jenny Huang-Dale, cellist, will help Ellen present Vivaldi’s violin sonata in D Major RV 10.
- Enzi Moore, a piano student of mine, will play Ellen’s piano solo “Inversions.”
- Student Althea Wilcox will play a movement from Vivaldi’s violin concerto in a minor;
- Student Daniel Strahler will play Für Elise by Beethoven in its entirety;
- Up and coming Chopin scholar Theo Gray will perform Chopin’s “Farewell” waltz and the Funeral march.
Jan 31-Feb 2 • Jackson XC- We are excited to announce the first edition of Last Nordic Skier Standing, presented by Fischer Sports, that will be hosted by WMSC and Jackson Ski Touring right in our back yard. Please find all preliminary information below.
- Location: Jackson XC Nordic Center Parking Lot
- Participants: 100
- Entry Fee: $150
- TENTATIVE Course: Ellis / Troll, conditions dependent ~5.75mi, warm-up 1k lap to start each lap. We will evaluate what the proper course length should be as we approach the event date. The goal is to have the lap take 50 minutes for the average skier, allowing plenty of interloopal time for self-care.
- The concept is simple, participants must complete one lap on the course within an hour. They can’t start the next lap until the next hour and the event is over when there’s only one person left.
- We’ll also have a Nordic Beer Mile presented by Best Day Brewing and Lawson’s Finest at noon on Feb 1st.
Noon (start)-Jan 31 – Noon (finish)- Feb 2 • Great Glen Trails- Jackson Chamber of Commerce event begins on Friday, January 31, at noon with teams from all over the Northeastern part of the United States. The team will sculpt throughout the weekend and finish at noon on Sunday, February 2, 2025.
- Spectators are welcome to view the entire process but are urged to return on Sunday for the finished displays!
- See firsthand how our sculptors take 8-foot high by 4-foot round cylinders of compacted snow and create incredible art frozen in time. This year we expect at least 12 Teams with 4 NH Sanctioned Teams.
- Sculpting pieces usually remain available for viewing for at least a week after the event giving visitors ample time to get coveted photos. Please be aware that weather is a factor and we can not guarantee how long the snow sculptures will remain. The sculptures will be lit at night for an entirely different perspective.
- Bring the kids!
- There will be scavenger hunts for the kids, and other exciting things to do.
- Admission for viewing is free but donations are welcome.
- Please note that cross country ski passes, snow coach rides, tubing and other exciting outdoor activities offered by Great Glen Trails and the Mt. Washington Auto Road sold separately.
- Community MUSIC & ENTERTAINMENT around town:
- Shannon Door: Jeremy Dean • 6-9pm
- Red Parka: Blue Sunday with Wildcat O’Halloran • 5-8pm
Events with Jackson Community Church & Around Town: Jan 31-Feb 2