Dec 30: Daily Devotional focused on love

Daily Devotional

Cultivate love each day this week.

December 30: God’s Unchanging Love

  • Scripture: Romans 8:38-39 — For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
  • Meditation: God’s love is overflowing and infinite. Yet experiencing that love may be less obvious to us, in our daily lives. Sometimes you have to look backward over circumstances in order to recognize how love has been present all along.
  • Spiritual Discipline: Reflect on how you experience God’s unchanging love in your life. When everything is in flux, where in your life do you experience consistency, sustainability, and constancy? Give thanks for these ways that God’s presence is made manifest for you.


The Celtic Irish tradition recognizes that the eternal and the transient worlds are woven in and through each other. Very often at death, the inhabitants of the eternal world come out toward the visible world. . . . Your friends who now live in the eternal world come to meet you, to bring you home. Usually, for people who are dying to see their own friends gives them great strength, support, and encouragement. …
In the eternal world, all is one. In spiritual space there is no distance. In eternal time there is no segmentation into today, yesterday, or tomorrow. In eternal time all is now; time is presence. I believe that this is what eternal life means: it is a life where all that we seek—goodness, unity, beauty, truth, and love—are no longer distant from us but are now completely present with us.

Dec 30: Daily Devotional focused on love
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